People and Teams Management

Base Knowledge

Previous mastery of knowledge in the area of People and Team Management and related areas, allowing Master’s students to acquire the possibility of using instruments/tools in the area of Team Leadership; Employee motivation; Recruitment and Selection processes; Skills; Professional training and Performance Management.

Teaching Methodologies

The method will be continuous assessment, with the teacher explaining the program’s subject matter, presenting practical cases, and the development of themes by students with debate.

Learning Results

1. Understand a strategic and integrated vision of the role of Human Capital in companies, related to organizational objectives and results.

2. Understand people and teams, presenting modern techniques for leadership, evaluation and management of people and teams.

3. Understand the role of the manager in training and developing teams, defining objectives and evaluating teams.

4. Acquire team communication dynamics aiming for results with strategic innovation in conflict management.

5. Develop behavioral and management skills that facilitate the achievement of Human Resources objectives, within teams.

6. Characterize the evolution perspectives and new challenges in this area of management, particularly in the management of skills, leadership and motivation of teams and performance evaluation of results.


1. Introduction:

1.1. Emergence of people and team management skills.

1.2. The appreciation of soft skills in the context of modern organizations.

1.3. Impact of organizational culture and climate on the behaviors of people and teams.

  2. Performance Assessment

2.1. Performance management and evaluation.

2.2. Skills development and the power of expectations.

2.3. Recent perspectives and approaches to skills.

2.4. The organizational behavior pipeline.

2.5. Recruitment and selection: mapping of attitudinal and behavioral.

2.6. Behavioral self-diagnosis.

  3. Team management

3.1. High performance teams: development and participation.

3.2. Virtual teams: specific characteristics and challenges.

3.3. Good management practices and team dynamization:

  3.3.1. Negotiation of objectives and the delegation process;

  3.3.2. The empowerment of people and teams;

  3.3.3. Planning the time and effectiveness of team meetings – “SPIC”.

3.4. Analysis of practical cases and critical discussion.

Curricular Unit Teachers




1 – Bancaleiro, J. – Balanced Scorecard de Capital Humano, RH Editora, 2006

2 – Blanchard, K., Um nível superior de liderança (2006), Lisboa, Actual Editora

3 – Câmara, P., Guerra, P., Rodrigues, J., (2007), Novo Humanator – Recursos Humanos e Sucesso Empresarial, 9 ed., Lisboa, Dom Quixote

4 – Chiaventao, I. – Recursos Humanos, Editora Atlas, 2004

5 – Cunha, M. e outros – Manual Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão, Editora RH, 2007

6 – Decenzo, e S. Robbins – Human Resource Management, John Wiley & Sons, 1999

7 – Dutra, Joel de Souza. Competências: conceitos e instrumentos para a gestão de pessoas na empresa moderna. Atlas, 2004.

8 – Felury, Maria T. L. (org.) et alli. As Pessoas na Organização. 2ª ed. São Paulo: Editora Gente, 2004.

9 – Mathis, R., Jackson, J., (2006), Human Resource Management, 11 ed., Mason, Thomson

10 – Peretti, J. – Recursos Humanos, Sílabo, 1999

11 – Pina e Cunha, M., Rego, A., Campos e Cunha, R., Cabral-Cardoso, C. (2006), Manual de Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão, Lisboa, rh Editora

12 – Robbins, S. P. Comportamento organizacional. São Paulo: Prentice Hall, 2002


RH Magazine – Recursos Humanos

Academy of Management Review

Annual Review of Psychology

Personnel Psychology