Pharmacology II

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical matrix(T):
-Expository method leveraging student-teacher interaction through appropriate audiovisual and online platforms.
Student-centered teaching approaches through the analysis of articles, fostering knowledge application. There are two written examinations during the academic period(15/20v).Examinations according to academic calendars.
Practical matrix(P):
-Learning is action-oriented, through teaching by investigation, where the student is challenged to build research projects centered on open questions from preclinical pharmacology that promote critical thinking and the application of scientific method, carried out in work groups. Projects need to be planned in accordance with national and European guidelines of funding agencies, in articulation with the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS, WHO), replicating “real world” challenges arising from clinical research in pharmacology. Continuous assessment reflected in the orally discussed team-group research project (5/20v)

Learning Results

Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to:
– Interpret the mechanisms of action of drugs that act on i) hemostasis, ii) endocrine system, iii) digestive system as well as iv) antimicrobial and v) antineoplastic drugs;
– Contextualize the origin of adverse effects and drug interactions of aforesaid drugs, applying algorithms of systemic reasoning while recognizing the complexity of modulation of physiological systems;
– Understand the correlations between pharmacology and other bioscience topics (e.g. physiology, cellular and
molecular biology, drug chemistry), articulating integrated problem solving skills;
– Recognize and implement the scientific methodologies applied in the process of clinical research in Pharmacology;
– Advance their analytical reasoning and criticism, as well as oral and written communication skills in pharmacological sciences, leveraging critical reasoning skills and collaborative dynamics through joint participation in problem solving.


1.Drugs used for hemostasis regulation
2.Endocrinological pharmacology
2.1.Hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal/adrenal axis modulators
2.3.Drugs affecting dysmetabolic conditions
2.4.Drugs affecting calcium and bone remodeling
3.Digestive system modifiers
3.1.H2 receptor antagonist drug
3.2.Proton pump inhibitors
3.4.Prostaglandin agonists
4.Antimicrobial drugs
4.3.Antivirals, antiretrovirals and anthelmintics
4.4.Resistance mechanisms
5. Antineoplastic drugs
5.1. Classic and non-classic alkylating drugs
5.2. Antimetabolite drugs
5.3. Modulators of tubulin polymerization
5.4. Topoisomerase modulating drugs
5.5. Immunomodulatory drugs
5.6. Resistance mechanisms
6. The process of drug research – clinical phase
6.1. Clinical trials (Phase I-III)
6.2. Evaluation and Marketing Authorization
6.2. Postmarketing surveillance (Phase IV)

Curricular Unit Teachers




Terapêutica Medicamentosa e suas Bases Farmacológicas, 5ª edição. Coordenado por S. Guimarães, D. Moura e P.
Soares da Silva. Porto Editora, 2006.
Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, de Katzung, 10ª edição, editado pela McGraw-Hill.