Physical Acoustics

Teaching Methodologies

The methodology used is defined by the following items:


a) exposure of the contents by the teacher using audiovisual material; b) systematization of theoretical and practical knowledge: resolution of issues and problems; c) laboratory experiments and demonstrations in the classroom performed by the teacher and students with specialized hardware and software.


Students may choose between two types of assessment: continuous/periodic assessment or exam. The continuous/periodic assessment will focus on acoustic experiments and demonstrations, and class participation (50%) + test (50%). The assessment by exam (100%) will be made through written and oral test (the latter, if the classification in the written test is between 7,5 and 9,4 values).

Learning Results

The learning outcomes of this curricular unit are:


a) Know the sound and its characteristics;

b) Know the various forms of sound production;

c) Know how to manipulate acoustic instrumentation for sound analysis;

d) Understand the role of the various components and properties related to sound propagation;

e) Understand acoustic phenomena related to sound propagation and applied in everyday situations;

f) Know the importance of space (open air and closed space) as a fundamental element for its acoustic quality;

g) Know the physical and subjective parameters that describe the acoustic quality of rooms;

h) Know the characteristics of speech and its behavior outdoors and indoors;

i) Know the various types of rooms for speech and music;

j) Know how to analyze, measure and evaluate the acoustic parameters of different types of rooms;

K) Find specific solutions to improve the acoustic conditions of a room.


Produção do som

módulo 1

1. Som e as fontes sonoras.

2. Sistemas vibratórios simples e vibrações complexas.

3. Características do som.

4. Instrumentação acústica.


Propagação do som

módulo 2

1. Ondas.

2. Propriedades das ondas sonoras.

3. Fenómenos associados às ondas sonoras.


Espaços e acústica

módulo 3

1. Sound propagation outdoors and indoors.

2. Som nas salas: Campos sonoros eparâmetros físicos e subjetivos.

3. Acústica para fala: ao ar livre e em salas.

4. Tipos de salas: Auditórios para fala (salas de conferências e teatros) e para música.

5. Avaliação da qualidade acústica dediferentes espaços e melhoria pontual da audição dos espectadores.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Barron, M. (2010). Auditorium acoustics and architectural design (2nd ed.). Spon Press.

Beranek, L. (2004). Concert halls and opera houses: Music, acoustics, and architecture (2nd ed.). Springer-Verlag.

Cavanaugh, W. J., Tocci, G. C., & Wilkes, J. A. (2010). Architectural acoustics: Principles and practice (2nd ed.). John Wiley & Sons.

Everest, F. A., & Pohlmann, K. C. (2021). Master handbook of acoustics (7thed.). McGraw-Hill Education.

Henrique, L. L. (2014). Acústica musical (5ª ed.). Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

Meyer, J. (2009). Acoustics and the performance of music: Manual for acousticians, audio engineers, musicians, architects and musical instrument makers (5th ed.). SpringerScience & Business Media.

Morset, L. (2013). WinMLS 2004 [Computer software]. Trondheim: Morset Sound Development.

Rossing, T. D., Moore, F. R., & Wheeler, P. A. (2002). The science of sound (3rd ed.). Addison-Wesley.

Steinberg (2014). WaveLab 8.5[Software]. Steinberg Media Technologies.