Plant Protection

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Presentation classes and discussion of theoretical concepts, by the teacher and the students. Field classes in ESAC farm to contact with enemies of cultures and to recognize their effects on crops. Laboratory classes to develop methodologies of diagnosis used in Plant Protection and Plant Pathology, identify symptoms, enemies and beneficial organisms present. Discussion of results. Research of literature on topics within the CU and their presentation by the students. 

Learning Results

The students should acquire knowledge enabling them to develop the following skills: 1. To know the basics of Plant Protection and Plant Pathology. 2. To know the effects of the enemies on crops and their importance. 3. To know and identify the main enemies and the factors that affect their dissemination.


1. Basic concepts in Plant Protection and Plant Pathology and effects caused by harmful organisms. Enemies of crops, losses and its importance. Plant Pathology. Plant diseases and their development. Mechanisms of plant resistance. General methods for diagnosis. 2. Identification of the main enemies of crops and factors contributing to its spread and their importance. Mycology, Bacteriology, Virology and Phytopathological Nematology. Morphology, reproduction, classification, biological cycles and diagnostic. Examples of diseases of major economic importance of these taxa. Agricultural Entomology and Acarology. Economic importance. Morphology, physiology, reproduction and classification. Characterization of the orders with agronomic interest. Biological cycles of species of greatest economic importance. Herbology. Definition of weed. Losses and benefits. Classification. Species of greatest economic importance.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação contínua
  • - 2 Testes teóricos - 60.0%
  • - 2 Apresentações com discussão - 40.0%
  • - Teste de exame - 100.0%




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