Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
According to Article 32 of the Academic Regulation of the 2nd Cycle of Studies of the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, this curricular unit, due to the nature of the defined competences, students can choose the modality of continuous assessment, according to the following criteria and procedures:
Continuous assessment results from the individual elaboration of two theoretical-practical assignments, with a total weight of 100% in the final grade (50%+50%).
Both are based on the production of teaching materials for the promotion and development of reading and writing in pre-school.
Continuous evaluation/assessment: Work 1 – 50.0%; Work 2 – 50.0%
Otherwise, in case the student intends to take the exam, he/she must fulfill two specific conditions:
a) the 1st to be submitted to theoretical proof of the contents taught throughout the semester and
b) the 2nd, prepare a plan of a practical task from a text and/or a work project included in the test statement.
Learning Results
1. Understand the processes related to language acquistion, reading, and writing;
2. Recognize the stages, contexts, and functions of reading and writing education at the preschool level;
3. Develop activities that will encourage early reading and writing education both at home, and in the classroom;
4. Broaden and deepen, in a specialized manner, skills and techniques within the scope of Expression and Communication;
5. Understand the developmental stages between preschool and the 1st Cycle of Basic Education, and the behavioral indicators of successful reading-writing acquistion;
6. Produce teaching materials to encourage speaking, reading, and writing in preschool.
I. Reading Development
1.2. Adult-child interactions: contexts, materials, functions, and forms
1.3. Motivating, stimulating, promoting, and facilitating, attitudes towards reading
1.4. Practices that promote the development of linguistic awareness.
II. Writing Development
2.1. Promoting writing: enabling environments and behaviors
2.2. Discovery and grasp of the functionalities of written language
2.3. Figurative-conceptual aspects and behaviros of written language discovery and learning.
III. Speaking, reading, and writing in kindergarden: from research to action: production of materials for the implementation and sequencing of activities.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Work 1 - 50.0%
- - Work 2 - 50.0%
- - Exam - 100.0%
Andrade, Ana Isabel et alii, (orgs.) (2014). A Diversidade Linguística nos Discursos e nas Práticas de Educação e Formação:U.Aveiro.
Costa, J. e Santos, A. L. (2003). A falar como os bebés. O desenvolvimento linguístico das crianças. Primeiros passos. Editorial Caminho: Lisboa.
Malasartes, A. (2006). A relação da criança com o livro. Educadores de Infância, n.º 10.
Mata, L. (2008). A Descoberta da Escrita. Ministério da Educação DGIDC: Lisboa.
Mata, L. (2006). Literacia Familiar – Ambiente familiar e descoberta da linguagem escrita. Porto Editora: Porto.
Rigolet, S. A. N. (2006). Para uma aquisição precoce e optimizada da linguagem, Linhas de orientação para crianças até aos 6 anos. Porto Editora: Porto.
Sá, Cristina (org.) (2014). Transversalidade III: Das palavras à ação nos primeiros anos de escolaridade. CIDTFF-U.Aveiro.
Viana, F.L et alii, (org). (2014). Falar, Ler e Escrever: propostas integradoras para o JI. Santillana: Carnaxide.