Principles of Economics

Base Knowledge

Basic mathematics

Teaching Methodologies

The planned teaching method will be exclusively student support in the form of office hours, as the CTeSP edition was not open in the 23/24 academic year.

Learning Results

The course of Economics aims to provide students with acknowledged skills for understanding the aggregate movements of contemporary market economies. The course focuses on the following learning outcomes: a) Describe macroeconomics as science and analyze the subject of macroeconomics. b) Identify the fundamental macroeconomic variables and the main macroeconomic problems and issues, namely unemployment, inflation, national product, consumption and savings. c) Measure and describe the overall functioning. Calculate the main macroeconomic aggregates. d) Understand and apply the concepts of Microeconomics. e) Apprehend the methodology of the economic logic of the market. f) Solve simple problems using the methodology of economic logic and the concepts learned.


1 – History of economic thought

2 – Macroeconomics

      2.1 – Inflation

      2.2 – Measurement of economic activity

      2.3 – National accounting

      2.4 – Private consumption, household savings and investment

      2.5 – Keynesian multiplier

3 – Microeconomics

     3.1 – Supply and demand

     3.2 – Market structure

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Evaluation by frequency
  • - 1 written test - 30.0%
  • - 1 written test - 35.0%
  • - 1 written test - 35.0%
Evaluation by exam
  • - Written test - 100.0%




Andrade, J.S. (1998). Introdução à economia. Minerva.

Dornbusch, R. e Fischer, S. (1998). Macroeconomia. Lisboa: McGraw-Hill

Frank, R. and Bernanke, B. (2011). Principles of Macroeconomics (2nd Edition). Brief Edition, New York: McGraw-Hill.

Krugman; P. and Wells, R. (2015). Microeconomics (4th edition). Worth Publishers.

Nabais, C. and Ferreira, R. (2012). Macroeconomia: Lições e Exercícios. Lidel.