Principles of Macroeconomics

Base Knowledge

Students in this subject are expected to gather the essential knowledge of mathematics acquired in secondary education.

Teaching Methodologies

The teaching of Macroeconomics is carried out through different methods:

-through the projection of slides with the theoretical material;

– carrying out practical exercises on the board, in which students are invited to participate and clarify doubts;

– throughout the semester, weekly economics newspapers will be distributed so that students can understand the macroeconomic reality of their country and even worldwide, thus applying their knowledge acquired in the discipline of Macroeconomics.

Learning Results

The course aims to develop the student’s skills in terms of understanding the major
macroeconomic aggregates and how they interrelate.
•Debate current macroeconomic issues;
•Understanding the role of economic policies;
•Determine and interpret macroeconomic quantities;
•Understand macroeconomic models;
•Interpret multipliers;
•Understanding the dynamics of inflation and unemployment;
•Contextualize State intervention in stimulating competitiveness and economic growth;
•Distinguish economic growth from the economic cycle.


I Introduction
II Measurement of economic activity
Output as a measure of economic activity
output gap
employment and unemployment
Measuring the price level and inflation
Inflation rate
Economic impacts of inflation/deflation
Nominal and real quantities
National Accounts
Conceptual and theoretical issues
Agents, operations, flows and stocks
economic circuit
National Accounting Identities
III The State and public finances
Budget balances and deficits
Public debt
IV Consumption, Savings and Investment
Private consumption and household savings
V Multiplier Effects
Simple Keynesian Model
Monetary and Budgetary Policy
VI Model IS/LM
Product market and the IS
Money market and the LM
simultaneous balance
Budgetary and Monetary Policies
VII Aggregate supply and aggregate demand
Aggregate search
Aggregate offer
Macroeconomic Balance
Shifts in aggregate supply and demand curves
VIII Growth and economic cycles

Curricular Unit Teachers





Dornbusch R., Fischer S., Startz R., (1998), “Macroeconomia”, McGraw-Hill, Lisboa, 7ª ed.;

Samuelson, P. e Nordhaus, W (2005), “Macroeconomia”, McGraw-Hill, Lisboa, 18ª ed;

Amaral, J. Ferreira, Louçã, F., Caetano, G., Fontainha, E., Ferreira, C., Santos, S.(2007), “Introdução à
Macroeconomia”, Escolar Editora, Lisboa, 2ª ed.

Sequeira, T., Neves, P., Santos, M. (2018). Macroeconomia – Exercícios, Ed Silabo;

Pinho, M. (2022). Macroeconomia – Teoria e Prática Simplificada, Ed Silabo;