Base Knowledge
According to the regulations for the 2nd cycle of the IPC, it is mandatory to complete the remaining curricular units of the master’s degree in forestry resources.
Teaching Methodologies
The Professional Internship is characterized in the study plan published in Diário da República as having 800 hours of work, with a semester duration and corresponding to 30 credit units (ECTS).
The students’ work will be supervised by a supervisor, with a PhD degree and approved by the Scientific Technical Council (CTC) of ESAC. There may also be a co-supervisor at the workplace or at the ESAC, provided that he/she has a PhD degree or is considered a Specialist in the area and after approval by the CTC of the ESAC.
The students’ work may also be accompanied by an external tutor, belonging to the institution where the internship period will take place.
The supervisor(s) and tutor will play an active role in defining the internship plan, the methodologies to be applied and the planned schedule. The internship plan presented by the student and signed by the supervisor(s), the tutor and the Master’s Coordinating Committee must be submitted to and approved by the CTC of the ESAC.
In addition to the work performed during the internship period, the student must prepare a final report and make an oral presentation before a jury.
The supervisor(s) and the external tutor will play an important role in supporting the student’s work and the preparation of the final internship report.
Learning Results
The professionalizing internship is intended for students to have contact with the world of work, as professionals in the area of Forest Resources and qualified with the overall component of the curricular units of the Master’s Degree.
The objective of the internship is to apply the knowledge acquired in the other curricular units of the Master’s Degree to concrete situations, seeking solutions autonomously. It is intended that students develop their working skills, both in teams and autonomously, communication skills and the ability to synthesize information in a written report to present and defend before a jury evaluation.
This curricular unit has no programmatic content, since what is intended is the application of the programmatic content of the other curricular units of the Master.
If, for the work to be developed by the student, subjects not yet covered are necessary, the student will be guided in this direction by the teacher responsible for monitoring the student’s work (teacher of the respective subject area).
Curricular Unit Teachers
To be applied according to the Theme and work area to be developed during the internship