Property Law

Base Knowledge

The course presupposes a strong knowledge of the essential notions of Law, taught either in the Introduction to Law or in the General Theory of Civil Law, since the rhetoric of legal-real rights implies the use of many legal institutes, taught in such disciplines.

Teaching Methodologies

The teaching method is theoretical-practical, appealing, essentially, to a critical participation of students, simulating, here and beyond, theoretical-practical situations, similar to those they will know in forensic life. More than expository teaching, inclusive, provocative-to-criticism and student participation are required.

Learning Results

To allow to the pupils a global and specific perspective of the definitive and provisory ordinance of the property in the Portuguese legal system. To endow the pupils with the “typical grammar” of the Property law, in the direction of allowing the boarding them
of the diverse “real” situations, that they will go to find to the level of the practical forensic life, in the direction of them legally to characterize correctly all the real professional situation.






Part I – Property law (rights in rem) – general part

Chapter I – concept of the law of things

Chapter II – constitutional principles of the law of things:

A-Principles linked to the internal side of the law of things.

B-Principles linked to the external side of the law of things.

Chapter III – characteristics of the right of things:

A-Characteristics connected with the internal side of the right of things.

B – Characteristics linked to the external side of the law of things.

Chapter IV – the major forms of ordering the domain. Types of rights in things


Part II – Property law (rights in rem)  – special part

Chapter I – rights in rem of enjoyment

1. Right of ownership

1.1 Some general aspects of the right of ownership

1.2 The right of ownership over buildings

1.2 The right of ownership over water

1.4 The right of ownership over movable property

1.5 Fiduciary ownership

1.6. Modalities of the right of ownership (perpetual, temporary and resoluble)

1.7 Legal limitations to the right of ownership

1.8 Modes of acquisition (original and derivative)

1.9 Modes of protection of property rights (extrajudicial and judicial)

1.10 Modes of extinction of property rights

1.11 Addressing the issue of ownership of private waters

1.12 Co-ownership

1.13. Horizontal property

2. Right of usufruct

3. The right of use and habitation

4. Right of surface

5. Servitude of property

6. Real right of periodic habitation

7. Real right of permanent residence


Chapter II – Rights in rem

1. Introductory notes

2. The mortgage

3. The pledge

4. Consignment of income

5. Credit privileges

6. The right of retention

7. Attachment

8. Attachment

9. Other specific cases of security rights


Chapter III – Rights in rem of acquisition

1. Introductory notes

2. The right of pre-emption with effect in rem

3. The promise (contract) of alienation with real effect

4. The position of the purchaser in cases of reservation of title and other similar cases

5. Other rights in rem of acquisition


Part III – Property law (rights in rem)  – special part (continuation): possession


1. Possession and possessory systems

2. Notion of possession

3. Rights in terms of which one can possess

4. Objects capable of possession

5. Capacity to acquire possession

6. Characteristics of possession

7. Forms of acquisition of possession

8. Effects of possession

9. Acquisition, preservation and loss of possession

10. Defense and protection of possession



Curricular Unit Teachers




– SILVA RODRIGUES, B., Direitos Reais, (no prelo), 1.ª Edição, Rei dos Livros, Lisboa, 2021 (2022 – no prelo?!).

– SILVA RODRIGUES, B., Esboço de um Curso de Direitos Reais, Secção de Textos, ISCAC, Coimbra, 2021.

– SILVA RODRIGUES, B., Fichas e tópicos de Direitos Reais com roteiro leituras, Secção de Textos, ISCAC, Coimbra, 2021.

– CARVALHO, Orlando de, Direito das Coisas: Do Direito das Coisas em Geral, Centelha, Coimbra -1977 (e Coimbra Editora).
– CARVALHO, Orlando de, Terceiros para efeitos de Registo, BFDUC LXX (1994): 97-106.
– CARVALHO, Orlando de, Introdução à posse, RLJ Ano 122º. N.º 3780: 65-69; N.º 3781: 104-108; N.º 3786: 262-266; N.º 3787: 292-294; N.º 3792: 72-74; N.º 3801: 353-355; N.º 3810: 259-264; N.º 3811: 292-294; N.º 3812: 333-336.
– ASCENSÃO, José de Oliveira, Direito Civil – Reais, 5.ª Edição (Reimpressão), Coimbra Editora, Coimbra,2000: (1-704).
– CORDEIRO, A. Menezes, Direitos Reais, Reprint, 1979, Edições Jurídicas – LEX, Lisboa, 1993: (1-846).
– CORDEIRO, António Menezes, A posse: Perspectivas Dogmáticas Actuais, 2.ª Edição da 3.ª Edição Actualizada de Outubro 2000, Livraria Almedina, Coimbra, Setembro 2005: (1-194).

– PITÃO, José António de França, A posse, Quid Juris, 2020: (1-111)

– VIEIRA, José Alberto, A Posse, Estudo sobre o seu objecto e extensão, Perspectiva história e de Direiot português, Livraria Almedina, Coimbra, 2019: (1-732).

– TRIUNFANTE, Armando, Lições de Direitos Reais, Livraria Almedina, Coimbra, 2019: (1-350).

– JANUÁRIO, Rui/GAMEIRO, António, Direitos Reais, Parte Geral, Figuras Afins, Perspectivas Práticas, Quid Iuris, Lisboa, 2016: (1-414).

– JUSTO, A. SANTOS, Direitos Reais, 7.ª Edição, Quid Iuris, Lisboa, 2020: (1-607).

– ANTUNES, Henrique Sousa, Direitos Reais, Universidade Católica Editora, 2017: (1-567).

– VIEIRA, José Alberto, Direitos Reais, 3.ª Edição, Livraria Almedina, Coimbra, 2020: (1-871).