Psychology I

Base Knowledge

no prior knowledge is needed

Teaching Methodologies


The course will be developed according to a theoretical-practical model with structured exposition of the contents and related analysis and discussion or debate. Will use an interrogative and interactive methodology prior to the presentation of the main content and concepts, and is demonstration/explanation through its practical application in everyday situations and using, where appropriate, audio-visual means. Will, also include moments of independent study with research on contents or critical analyse of texts/papers.


Learning Results

The student must acquire:


* Communication and interpersonal relationships;

* Individual and group behaviour and their influences.



* Adopt strategies of non-verbal and verbal communication and interaction with patients, other professionals and the public;

* Understand the world around in terms of individual and relational context;

* Recognize and discuss the importance of behavior in interpersonal relationships;

* Demonstrate empathy to the needs of others.




* Communicate and interact appropriately in different professional contexts;

* Deal appropriately with the patient and his family, while respecting differences, needs and rights;

* Think critically about some psychological phenomena that impact on day to day life;

* Interpret and analyze human behavior.


1. Human communication and interpersonal relationships

1.1. human communication

communication pragmatics

Importance of studying communication and communication functions

Verbal communication (oral and written)

Non-verbal communication: silent language beyond words

face-to-face communication and interview
cognitive deviations and errors

Barriers to communication and fidelity in communication

Attitudes in communication

1.2. Interpersonal relationship

Interpersonal relationship styles

Social interaction and interpersonal relationships

Factors that affect the quality of interpersonal relationships

Self-concept, self-esteem and attributional processes

Social cognition, impressions and factors for its formation, categorization and its dysfunctions.

2. Intra and interpersonal conflict

the brain map

Mirror neurons: learning, imitation and empathy

hunger, emotions and brain

The types of conflict

Dealing with conflicts and skills for their treatment


3. Motivation

motivation and behavior

Theories and approaches of motivation

Personality – personal meanings and sense of identity

4. The group – Group phenomena and leadership processes

4.1. Group interaction and identity

Definition, characteristics and types of groups

The behavior in the group

Group work and its advantages and disadvantages

Group communication, effectiveness and productivity

Group cohesion and compliance pressure

4.2. Leadership

Leadership traits and styles

Functions and consequences of leadership.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Bibliografia primária

*Fachada, M. O. (2012). Psicologia das relações interpessoais (2ª Edição). Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.

*Rego, A. (2016). Comunicação pessoal e organizacional: teoria e prátIca (4ª Edição). Lisboa: Edições Sílabo,Lda.

*Watzlawick, P., Beavin, J., & Jackson, D. (1967), (1998). Pragmática da comunicação humana: um estudo dos padrões, patologias e paradoxos da interacção. São Paulo: Cultrix.


Bibliografia Secundária

Álamo, J. Q. del, Félix-Alcántara, M. P., Arguis, C. B., Rojo, S. F., & Mínguez, F. M. (2018). Fome, emoçoes e cérebro: comer com cabeça. Atlantic Press.

Conde, C. J. C., & Ayala, F. J. (2019). O cérebro moral: evolução do cérebro e valores humanos. Atlantic Press.

Pérez, I. P. (2018). O mapa do cérebro; um passeio anatómico pela máquina de pensar. Atlantico Press.