Base Knowledge
The curricular unit is characterized by interdisciplinary interdependence in the areas of management, economics, law, sociology of organizations, accounting, public policies and political science. However, such interdependence does not presuppose, or require, in advance, the assumption of basic or recommended knowledge, considered essential for approval in the curricular unit. Obviously, familiarization with the area of knowledge of management and public policies can be a critical factor for better learning success for students.
Teaching Methodologies
The student-oriented methodology aims to enhance reflection, critical spirit, and debate of ideas, aiming to deepen and clarify a set of knowledge, practices and particularities that characterize public management and its organizations. In this, and to achieve this objective, it is proposed that a set of diversified strategies be developed:
- interactive dialogue;
- powerpoint presentation using theoretical presentations of the syllabus, combined with the possibility of practical cases prepared in accordance with the objectives of the curricular unit;
- oral and direct presentation of the material on the board;
- analysis and discussion of texts on the themes under analysis;
- participation at the invitation (in the context of an open class) of social actors (who, through their testimony and experience in the area of public management, can awaken students’ interest and curiosities regarding the realities experienced in the context of public organizations), and who therefore via, it can contribute to bringing theoretical teaching closer together, aligning it, as much as possible, with the experience of reality brought from the field/reality.
Learning Results
The main objective of this curricular unit is the understanding, apprehension, and application, by the student body, of the elementary concepts of public management and its vicissitudes, as opposed to the management of private entities. Taking advantage of management knowledge, the objective of this course is also to transmit to students a set of knowledge and skills in strategic planning in the field of public administration.
As accountability constitutes a reference indicator that several international organizations consider relevant to assess the governance of a country and, consequently, its level of social and economic development, it is important to highlight and convey to students the importance of this concept, as well as the practices which should guide public administration workers and managers and emphasize the need for greater transparency and accountability in public organizations.
In this logic, this curricular unit has the following specific objectives:
- to provide solid training in public management;
- to recognize in the governance process different types of horizontal and vertical interactions between different levels of government and different public and private actors and other sectors;
- to understand the growing importance attributed by different international organizations to the role of governance and its impact on public management;
- to identify the different models of public management and their distinctive characteristics;
- to equip students with the ability to critically appreciate issues that exist today regarding the lines of reform underway in the public sector;
- to understand the functioning and evolution of public management, particularly in the Portuguese context;
- to understand the specific aspects of public management;
- to understand the dynamics of public organizations and the way in which Portuguese public administration is structured;
- to raise students’ awareness of the importance of strategic planning and its importance for public organizations;
- to provide information necessary for the implementation of a strategic plan in public organizations;
- to identify the instruments used in public administration that evaluate performance assessment indicators;
- to understand the importance of the concept of accountability, the values of ethics, morals, and deontology in the context of public management.
In terms of skills and knowledge acquired, at the end of the semester, students should be able to: •
- apply practical knowledge about different public management models;
- analyze the bridge between a public sector based on bureaucracy and a new management appropriate to the 21st century that presupposes the adoption of a management posture adapted to the specificity of public services, concerned with an efficient and effective response to the needs of society and public policies;
- diagnose problems that require the intervention of activities of public organizations, in particular, the analysis of public management models that best serve the activity of the public sector;
- expose the characteristic aspects of public management;
- uncover the various specific aspects of public management covered within the scope of this curricular unit;
- identify the characteristics of the different public management paradigms;
- frame the main models and trends of portuguese administrative reform;
- characterize administrative modernization initiatives carried out in Portugal in recent decades; understand the implementation of the balanced scorecard methodology as an instrument for evaluating and monitoring management in the context of public administration;
- develop a strategic development plan in the context of a public organization:
- know the different normative instruments used in public administration that evaluate performance assessment indicators;
I – Public organizations
- the unique characteristics of public organizations;
- the challenges facing public organizations.
II – Public management and private management
- concept, characteristics, and restrictions;
- public management and private management: Similarities and disparities.
III – The different conceptions of the State and associated public management models
- different conceptions of the State: the minimalist state, the nation state and the neoliberal state;
- different public management models: the classic public administration paradigm; the new public management; Governance; other models;
IV– The administrative and management organization of the portuguese public sector
- the portuguese public sector: scope and structure;
- different types of public organizations;
V – Administrative reform in Portugal
- administrative reform processes: concept and scope;
- administrative reform in Portugal: in the context of the Estado Novo, in the first years of the democratic regime, in the 80s and 90s, in the 21st century;
- administrative reform in Portugal and public management models in Portugal.
VI – Planning: the importance of strategy in public management
- strategy, planning and evaluation in a public context;
- the balanced scorecard methodology as an aid tool for public management;
- implementation, monitoring and evaluation of a strategic plan in public organizations;
- performance assessment and management indicators in public organizations;
- public management performance instruments; • the role of managers in evaluating results.
VII – Ethics and accountability in public management
- the concept of accountability and its different conceptions;
- transparency, values and ethics;
- the instruments of ethics.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Ansell, C. & Torfing, J. (2021). Public Governance as Co-Creation, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Araújo, J. (2002). Gestão Pública em Portugal: Mudança e Persistência Institucional. Quarteto Editora
Araújo, J. & Silvestre, H. (2013). Coletânea em Administração Pública. Lisboa: Escolar Editora
Azevedo, A. (2008). Administração Pública Modernização Administrativa – Gestão e Melhoria dos Processos Administrativos CAF e SIADAP. Porto: Vida Económica.
Bilhim, J. (2003). A avaliação de desempenho na Administração Pública. Revista Portuguesa de Administração e Políticas Públicas. Lisboa.
Caldeira, J. (2009). Monitorização da Performance Organizacional. Edições Almedina. Coimbra
Caldeira, J. (2016). Guidelines para a Elaboração de um Plano Estratégico – Boas Práticas no Setor Público, Lisboa, Edições Almedina.
Carapeto, A. & Fonseca, M. (2014). Administração pública: modernização, qualidade e inovação, 3ª Edição. Lisboa: Editora Sílabo.
Carvalho, T. (2009). Nova Gestão Pública e Reformas da Saúde – O Profissionalismo numa Encruzilhada. Edições Sílabo.
Crantschaninov, T. (2019). Introdução à gestão pública. São Paulo: Senac
Castells, M. (2000). The Rise of the Network Society. Blackwell Publishers, Inc.
Corte-Real, I. (2008). Public management reform in Portugal: successes and failures. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 21(2), 205.
Denhardt, J. & Denhardt, R. (2007). The new public service: Serving, not steering. ME Sharpe.
Dias, R. (2017). Gestão pública: Aspectos atuais e perspectivas para atualização. São Paulo, Atlas
Evans, J. & Lindsay, W. (2016). Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence, 10.ª edição. Boston: Cengage Learning.
Ferlie, E., Fitzgerald, L., & Pettigrew, A. (1996). The New Public Management in Action. Oxford University Press.
Freeman, E. (1984). Strategic Management. A Stakeholder Approach. Pitman.
Freire, A. (1997). Estratégia: Sucesso em Portugal. Editorial Verbo. Lisboa.
Fonseca, F. & Carapeto, C. (2009). Governação, inovação e tecnologias: O estado rede e a administração pública do futuro. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.
Handler, A. (1962). Strategy and structure. MA: MIT Press.
Hood, C. (1991). A Public Management for all Seasons ? Public Administration, 69(1), 3–19.
Hughes, O. (2017) Public management: 30 years on. International Journal of Public Sector Management, Vol. 30 No. 6-7, pp. 547-554.
Jilke, S., Olsen, A., Resh, W. & Siddiki, S. (2019). Microbrook, Mesobrook, Macrobrook. Perspectives on Public Management and Governance, 2(4), 245–253.
Mozzicafreddo, J. (2001). Modernização da Administração Pública e Poder Político. Oeiras: Celta.
Madureira, C. & Ferraz, D. (2014). The need of a XXI century governance paradigm for public administration: the specific case of Portugal. Public Policy and Administration, 31, p. 35-48.
Mcmillan, H. & Tampoe, M. (2000). Strategic management: process, content and implementation. Oxford University Press.
Marques, M. (2007). Aplicação dos Princípios da Governança Corporativa ao Setor Público. Revista Auditoria e Contabilidade, 11, pp. 11-26.
Mosher, F. (1982). Democracy and the Public Service. 2 nd Edition. New York. Oxford University Press.
Kaplan, R., & Norton, D. (1997). A Estratégia em Ação: Balanced Scorecard. Rio de Janeiro: Campus
Kooiman, J. (1993). Modern Governance. SAGE Public.
OECD. (2004). OECD Principles of Corporate Governance. World. Paris.
Osborne, S. (2010). The New Public Governance: Emerging Perspectives on the Theory and Practice of Public Governance. Taylor & Francis.
Pollitt, C. & Bouckaert, G. (2017). Public management reform: A comparative analysis-into the age of austerity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Portugal, G. & Troika. (2011). Memorando de Entendimento Sobre as Condicionalidades de Política Económica. Lisboa.
Renaud, M. (2016). A Evolução Histórica da Ética. In Ética, dos Fundamentos às Práticas. Lisboa. Edições 70: 123-143.
Rocha, J. (2010). Gestão da Qualidade. Aplicação aos Serviços Públicos, 2ª Edição. Lisboa, Escolar Editora.
Rodrigues, C. (2011). Governação de Organizações: a Emergência de Modelos Diferenciados. Edições Pedago Lda.
Rhodes, R. (1996). The New Governance: Governing without Government. Political Studies, 44(4), 652–667.
Rhodes, R. (1997). Understanding Governance: Policy Networks, Governance, Reflexivity and Accountability. Open University Press.
Rhodes, R. (2007). Understanding Governance: Ten Years On. Organization Studies, 28(8), 1243–1264.
Rowley, T. (2017). The Power of and in Stakeholder Networks. In Stakeholder Management (Vol. 1, pp. 101–122). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Santos, C. (2017). Introdução à Gestão Pública, 2ª Edição. São Paulo: Editora Saraiva.
Salamon, L. (2002). The Tools of Government: a Guide to the New Governance (L. Salamon & O. Elliot (Eds.)). Oxford University Press.
Scott, W. (1981). Organizations: Rational, Natural, and Open Systems. Prentice Hall.
Silvério, J., Dias, D. & Cobra, J. (2018). Sistemas de Gestão da Qualidade na Administração Pública. Diário de Bordo
Silvestre, H. (2010). Gestão Pública: Modelos de Prestação no Serviço Público. Lisboa: Escolar Editora.
Weber, M. (1971). Os Fundamentos da Organização Burocrática: Uma Construção do Tipo Ideal. In Edmundo Campos (Ed.), Sociologia da Burocracia (pp. 15–28). ZAHAR Editores.
William, W. & Lewis, D. (2008). Strategic management tools and public sector management, Public Management Review, 10:5, 653-671.
World Bank. (1992). Governance and Development. Washington D.C.