R&D in Environmental Science

Base Knowledge

Students must bring knowledge about statistics and epidemiology.

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical-practical classes:

Expository and demonstrative methodology;
Application of computer resources to support classes to apply practical examples and carry out activities within the scope of scientific research


Individual and/or group orientations:

Technical-scientific guidance.

Learning Results

– The student must acquire knowledge:

On the implementation of the different phases of the research process as a method of acquiring knowledge. Also master a set of rules and procedures from the conception to the completion of a final research work.

– The student must follow the following skills:

Identify and formulate an applied research problem in environmental health;
Develop technical-scientific projects and be able to choose better methods and procedures to be implemented during the investigation work.
Ability to present and communicate information about the scope of scientific research either in written form (thesis, articles, etc.) or in oral form

– The student must know the following competences:

Competence for the development of a systemic, methodical and rational thinking to carry out a study / investigation in the area of ​​health and the environment.
Ability to effectively and accurately communicate the combined scientific results of research


Theoretical-Practical Matrix

Preparation and presentation of Thematic Areas of research in Environmental Health that will guide students in choosing a topic. Formal presentation (norms and rules) of a “Research Intent Plan” (data sheet) to be developed in one of the scientific areas of research in Environmental Health (5 hours).
Presentation of the formal structure of the “Research Project” that will serve as a guiding basis for the future development of the fundamental stages of the investigation (4 hours).
Presentation/Operationalization of Study Models (Observational, Experimental and Quasi-Experimental) according to research proposals in Environmental Health (3 hours).
Data collection methods and techniques and their analysis strategy in terms of the adopted study models (2 hours).
Analysis and decision of statistical models either in the scope of descriptive statistics or in the scope of inferential statistics (4 hours).
Transposition of primary data collected in the field of research (field collection) and its operationalization at the level of data analysis software (construction of databases depending on the study design and statistical analysis strategies to be applied) (5 hours) .
Presentation of the “Research Article” model (final work) regarding the rules and preparation rules (5 hours).
Rules and rules for the preparation and presentation of the final research work (2 hours).

Tutorial Orientation Matrix

Technical-scientific and statistical orientation of the research work (120 hours)

Curricular Unit Teachers




Primary Bibliography

Fortin, M-F. The Research Process – from conception to realization. Lusoscience, Loures; 2000
Gonzaga, R.A.F. Basic Rules of Clinical Investigation. Instituto Piaget, collection “Medicine and Health”, Lisbon, 1994.
Quivy, R.; Campenhoudt, L. Manual of Research in Social Sciences. Gradiva, Lisbon; 1998.
Lash, M., Gageiro. Data analysis for the social sciences: the complementarity of spss. 2nd ed. Lisbon: Sílabo editions, 2000.


Secondary Bibliography

Freitas, C.B.; Hossne, W.S. scientific research in the field of medicine. S.l: Manole, 2001.
Morse, J.M. designing funded qualitative research. In: Denzin, N.K. & Lincoln, Y.S. (editors), handbook of qualitative research. 2nd. London; sage publications, 2000.