Relationship Marketing

Base Knowledge

Marketing Principles, Strategic Marketing, Consumer Behavior and Marketing Planning and Control

Teaching Methodologies

The Curricular Unit will work through the regime of theoretical-practical classes, of optional attendance, where the theoretical expositions will always be accompanied by the illustration and resolution of practical cases, questions and exemplifying themes of real life arising from the application of relational marketing in the life of organizations. To make the exhibitions more appealing, different audiovisual media will be used and students, individually or in groups, will be encouraged to carry out small research / knowledge consolidation work during classes.

Learning Results

a) Objectives of the Curricular Unit:

The advent of Relationship Marketing induced a paradigm shift in marketing, from the mere attraction of transactional customers to the creation of long-term relationships with them. Organizations have realized that customer relationships are one of their key assets, becoming one of their main goals. The main learning objective of this curricular unit is to familiarize students with important concepts and practices for managing the relationship with customers, and to draw attention to their relevance in a marketing context. It is also intended to explain and apply the various perspectives and interpretations of relationship marketing in a context of market diversity and industry structure. Networks, supply chain, B2B and B2C relationships will be explored and examined.


b) Skills to be developed in students:

At the end of this curricular unit, students are expected to be able to design and implement a relational strategy, for which students should be able to:

– Hold a critical spirit regarding the function and objective of Marketing.

– Define the various types of relationships, both external and internal.

– Understand and apply various interpretations of relationship marketing in a context of diverse markets and industry structure.

– Manage, improve and evaluate the competitive forces that result from relationships.

– Apply market research to relationship marketing.

– Manage the customer portfolio in order to allow greater loyalty and customer relationship management.

– Understand the techniques and technologies that allow the development of relationship marketing strategies (such as CRM, loyalty programs and customer value).

– Analyze the importance of developing relationships in B2B and B2C environments


Chapter 1 – Introduction to Relational Marketing

The emergence of Relationship Marketing. Criticism of Traditional Marketing
1.1 Critiques of Traditional Marketing: Inadequacy of the “Traditional Mk” Marketing-Mix Structure: The Justification for Relational Marketing
1.2 Changes in the Marketing Environment



Chapter 2Features and Drivers of Relational Marketing

2.1 Definition of the scope and operating conditions of Relational Marketing
    2.1.1 Relationship Marketing: A Solution to the Marketing Challenge
   2.1.2 Relationship Marketing Concept
   2.1.3 Concepts related to Relationship Marketing
  2.1.4 Operationalization of Relational Marketing
  2.1.5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Adopting Relationship Marketing
  2.1.6 The Components of Relationship Marketing
2.2 Value Components of Relationship Marketing
  2.2.1 Relationship Marketing Drivers
  2.2.2 Facilitating Elements for the Adoption of Relational Marketing
  2.2.3 Barriers to Adoption of Relationship Marketing



Chapter 3 – Planning Relational Marketing Programs

3.1 Relational Marketing Plan

3.2 Situational Analysis and the Relationship Portfolio

3.3 Assessment of Customer Potential


Chapter 4 – Key Account Management (KAM)

4.1 Definition of Key Account Management (KAM)

4.2 The development of the Key Account Management (KAM) cycle

4.3 Key Account Management (KAM): identification, activities, infrastructure

4.4 The importance of Key Account Management (KAM) for Relational Marketing


Chapter 5 – Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

5.1 Definition and scope of CRM

5.2 Reviews to CRM

5.3 Strategic Approach to CRM


Chapter 6 – Creating Customer Value Through the Marketing Mix

6.1 Creating value for the customer within loyalty programs and strategies

6.2 The role of organizational knowledge in creating customer value

6.3 The determinants and models of loyalty


Chapter 7 – Implementation of Relational Marketing Programs

7.1 Strategy, Structure and Systems of Relational Marketing programs

7.2 Shared Values, Staff, Skills and Style of internal stakeholders in Relational Marketing programs


Chapter 8 – Monitoring and Control Relationships

8.1 Approaches to monitoring and control relationships

8.2 Measures of Relationship Success

8.3 Analysis and handling of complaints

8.4 Quality control of the service


Chapter 9 – Ethical Considerations in Relational Marketing

Curricular Unit Teachers




Fundamental Bibliography:

  • Mendes, Lara (2023), Manual Teórico de Apoio às Aulas de Marketing Relacional, NONIO IPC: InforEstudante, documento disponibilizado pela docente
  • Mendes, Lara (2023), Caderno de Exercícios de Marketing Relacional, NONIO IPC: InforEstudante, documento disponibilizado pela docente
  • Buttle, Francis; Maklan, Stan (2019), Customer Relationship Management: Concepts and Technologies, Fourth Edition, Routledge, ISBN 9781138498259
  • Little, Edward; Marandi, Ebi (2003). Relationship Marketing. Thomson Learning / Cenage. ISBN: 9781861529312 [Biblioteca ISCAC: 658.8 LIT]
  • Marques, A. M. A. (2023). Marketing relacional: como transformar a fidelização de clientes numa vantagem competitiva (3.ª ed.). Edições Sílabo. ISBN: 978-989-561-291-8 [Biblioteca ISCAC (2ª Ed): (C)-658.8-MAR]


Complementary Bibliography:


  • Christopher, Martin; Payne, Adrian; Ballantyne, David (2002). Relationship Marketing: Creating Stakeholder Value. Butterworth-Heinemann. ISBN: 978-0750648394
  • Egan, John (2011). Relationship Marketing: Exploring Relational Strategies in Marketing, 4th Ed. Pearson. ISBN: 9780273737827
  • Peelen, Ed; Beltman, Rob (2014). Customer Relationship Management. 2nd Ed, Pearson.
  • La Rocca, A. (2020). Customer-Supplier Relationships in B2B: An Interaction Perspective on Actors in Business Networks. Palgrave MacMillan. (
  • Sviokla, J., & Shapiro, B. (1995). Conquistando Clientes. Harvard Business Review Book. Makron Books. ISBN: ‏8534603539 [Biblioteca ISCAC: (B)-658.8-SHA]
  • Sviokla, J., & Shapiro, B. (1995). Mantendo Clientes. Harvard Business Review Book. Makron Books. ISBN: 978-8534603522 [Biblioteca ISCAC: (A)-658.8-SHA]



  • Arli, D., Bauer, C., & Palmatier, R. W. (2018). Relational selling: past, present and future. Industrial Marketing Management, 69, 169-184.
  • Awasthi, P., & Sangle, P. S. (2012). Adoption of CRM technology in multichannel environment: a review (2006‐2010). Business Process Management Journal, 18(3), 445-471.
  • Ballantyne, D., Christopher, M., & Payne, A. (2003). Relationship Marketing: Looking Back, Looking Forward. Marketing Theory, 3(1), 159-166.
  • Cartwright, S., Davies, I., & Archer-Brown, C. (2021). Managing relationships on social media in business-to-business organizations. Journal of Business Research, 125, 120-134.
  • Deszczyński, B. (2021). Theoretical Foundations of the Relationship Management Mid-Range Theory. In Firm Competitive Advantage Through Relationship Management (pp. 21-65). Springer International Publishing.
  • Egan, J. (2016). Back to the Future: Divergence in Relationship Marketing Research. Marketing Theory, 3(1), 145-157.
  • Fernandes, T., & Proença, J. (2013). Reassessing Relationships in Consumer Markets: Emotion, Cognition, and Consumer Relationship Intention. Journal of Relationship Marketing, 12(1), 41-58.
  • Gneiser, M. S. (2010). Value-Based CRM. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 2(2), 95-103.
  • Gummesson, E. (2002). Relationship Marketing in the New Economy. Journal of Relationship Marketing, 1(1), 37-57.
  • Harker, M. J., & Egan, J. (2006). The Past, Present and Future of Relationship Marketing. Journal of Marketing Management, 22(1-2), 215-242.
  • Ioannou, M. (2015). Customer Relationship Management (CRM). In A. Information Resources Management (Ed.), Marketing and Consumer Behavior (pp. 1884-1903). IGI Global.
  • Karantinou, K. (2015). Relationship Marketing. Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, 9(Marketing), 1-5.
  • Kasemsap, K. (2018). The Fundamentals of Customer Relationship Management. In L. In (Ed.), Diverse Methods in Customer Relationship Marketing and Management (pp. 44-60). IGI Global.
  • Kavosh, K., Abu Bakar, A. H., Melati, A. A., & Siti Zaleha, A. R. (2012). Critical Success Factors in Customer Relationship Management Implementation. SSRN Electronic Journal, 1(6).
  • Marques, M., Moleiro, D., Brito, T. M., & Marques, T. (2021). Customer Relationship Management as an Important Relationship Marketing Tool. In M. G. Dinis, B. Luís, S. Lamy, & Z. Breda (Eds.), Impact of New Media in Tourism (pp. 39-56). IGI Global.
  • Nguyen, B., & Mutum, D. S. (2012). A review of customer relationship management: successes, advances, pitfalls and futures. Business Process Management Journal, 18(3), 400-419.
  • Palmer, R., Lindgreen, A., & Vanhamme, J. (2005). Relationship marketing: schools of thought and future research directions. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 23(3), 313-330.
  • Payne, A., & Frow, P. (2005). A Strategic Framework for Customer Relationship Management. Journal of Marketing, 69(4), 167-176.
  • Richard, J. E., Thirkell, P. C., & Huff, S. L. (2007). The strategic value of CRM: a technology adoption perspective. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 15(5), 421-439.
  • Santos, J. D., & Castelo, J. P. (2018). The Six Dimensions of Adoption of a CRM Strategy. In I. Lee (Ed.), Diverse Methods in Customer Relationship Marketing and Management (pp. 17-43). IGI Global.
  • Tadajewski, M. (2009). The foundations of relationship marketing: reciprocity and trade relations. Marketing Theory, 9(1), 9-38.
  • Tadajewski, M. (2015). Charting relationship marketing practice: it really didn’t emerge in the 1970s. Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, 7(4), 486-508.