Research and Investigation Methodologies

Teaching Methodologies

Classes take a dynamic character, incorporating: 1) combination of magistral lessons, combining systematized knowledge and information with critical analysis, based on scientific articles; 2) the performance of practical tasks; 3) data analysis, supported by specific software.
The evaluation is carried out through two ways: an individual written test (with a 50% weight on the final grade) on all summarized content / practices; an individual research project (with a 50% weight on the final grade).

Learning Results

For a successful education towards health, all students must:
1. acquire knowledge to conceive, propose, conduct, analyze, write, publish and communicate the results of an empirical study.
2. Be able to critically assess / analyze studies and research.
3. Be able to write specific research questions in health education through a critical and inclusive review of literature.
4. Be able to support educational interventions towards health on empirically based knowledge or on the evidence of their own empirical evaluations.


a.The design, proposal, conduction, analysis and writing of an empirical study.b.Quantitative and qualitative research methods: epistemological assumptions and procedures. c.Construction and presentation of a research project: defining the study objet, research questions, objectives and hypotheses (the latter in case of a quantitative study),and expected results.
d.The phase of the research, recording and analysis of important concepts, theories, methods and results of the field of education for health. The importance of literature review and the thorough knowledge of the field of specialization.
e.Ethics and professional ethics of research.

f.Analysis and presentation of quantitative data: analytic statistical techniques.

g.Analysis and presentation of qualitative data: content analysis technique.

h.The presentation of a study: to publication (of submission and review procedures), for presentation at national / international meetings,
for participation in scientific associations.

Grading Methods

Evaluation tests
  • - Individual research project - 50.0%
  • - Individual knowledge test - 50.0%




Bryman, A. (2012). Social research methods. New York: Oxford University Press
Coutinho, C. P., Sousa, A., Dias, A., Bessa, F., Ferreira, M. J. R. C., & Vieira, S. R. (2009). Investigação-ação: metodologia preferencial nas práticas educativas. Revista Psicologia, Educação e Cultura.
Creswell, J. (2014). Educational research. New Jersey: Pearson
Hill, M., & Hill, A. (2009). Investigação por questionário. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo
Marôco, J. (2011). Analise estatística com o SPSS Statistics. Pêro Pinheiro: Report Number
Pocinho, M. T. S. (2012). Metodologia de Investigação e Comunicação do Conhecimento Científico. Lidel. Obtido de
Pocinho, M. T. S. (2014). O livro que explica a estatística que precisa em 13 aulas IBM-SPSS & Excel
(e-book). CINEP – IPC.
Silverman, D. (2013). Doing qualitative research. London: Sage