Research Methodologies

Base Knowledge

Knowledge of the requirements to be met in the scientific process and advanced knowledge of the areas accounting and taxation policies – area 344 CNAF (Portuguese National Classification of Training Areas)

Teaching Methodologies

The teaching method now proposed is based on the expository and interactive method, discussing lines of future research critically and presenting different research methodologies.

Learning Results

This curricular unit intends to carry out an in-depth study on research methods and practices in accounting and taxation, to provide an understanding of the main problems that arise in the various stages of research and to promote research capacity.

The development of this knowledge aims at the preparation of the work to be developed during the non-teaching component of the Master’s course.


1. The investigation process

2. Choice of topic and its importance
2.1. Exploratory research of bibliography

2.2 Justification of the theorical and practical interest of the theme

2.3 Formulation of the problem

3. Research design
3.1. General and specific objectives
3.2. Development of research hypotheses

4. Information gathering techniques
4.1. Population and sample
4.2. Statistical model
4.3. Analysis and discussion of results

5. Preparation and presentation of the dissertation
5.1. The index
5.2. The summary
5.3. The introduction
5.4. Literature review
5.5 Development and theoretical and statistical models
5.6 Discussion of results
5.7 The conclusions
5.6 Bibliographic references

6. Research ethics

Curricular Unit Teachers




Fundamental bibliography:

Barañano, A.M. (2004). Métodos e técnicas de investigação em gestão: Manual de apoio à realização de trabalhos de investigação. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.

Bryman, A., e Bell, E. (2007). Business research methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Ceia, Carlos (1995). Normas para apresentação de trabalhos científicos. Lisboa: Presença.

Fernandes, António (1995). Métodos e Regras para Elaboração de Trabalhos Científicos e Académicos. Porto Editora

Complementary bibliography:

Eco, Umberto (1991). Como se Faz uma Tese em Ciências Humanas. Lisboa, Presença.

Hill, Manuela;Hill Andrew (2009). Investigação por Questionário. 2.ª Edição. Lisboa, Edições Silabo.

King, G., R.. Kehoane, e S.Verba (1994): Designing Social Inquiry. Scientific Inference in Qualitative Research. Princeton University Press.

Mann, Chris (2000): Internet Communication and Qualitative Research: a handbook for researching on line. London, Sage.

Saunders, M., P. Lewis e A. Thornhill (2003), Research Methods for Business Students, Prentice Hall.