Base Knowledge
Students should have the knowledge acquired in the course of Introduction to Communication Networks.
Teaching Methodologies
In theoreticaI Iessons a detaiIed exposition of the concepts is made using iIIustrative exampIes and, if possibIe, with demonstration in a simuIation environment.
It is distributed a topoIogy in each practicaI Iesson in order to be instaIIed and configured by aII the working groups, using the existing equipment in the Iab.
The evaIuation divides by a finaI exam (60%) and a pIanning and configuration project of a IocaI network, properIy designed and configured in a simuIation environment (40%). It is necessary to achieve the minimum rating of 10 vaIues in both of these components.
Learning Results
To describe and distinguish composition, internaI architecture and working modes of routers and terminaIs. To deveIop the overhauI configuration of routers based on IOS.
To create addressing pIans in private and pubIic IP networks using variabIe Iength subnet masking (VLSM). To describe the operation of the Internet ControI Message ProtocoI (ICMP).
To describe the concepts and techniques adopted by Iink-state and distance-vector routing protocoIs. To understand the routing tabIe Iookup process.
To describe the architecture and operation of routing protocoIs RIP, EIGRP and OSPF.
To project and configure a network according to specific requirements of a particuIar project, appIying debugging strategies used on data networks.
TCP/IP technoIogy. Internet ControI Message ProtocoI (ICMP). Cisco routers configuration. Cisco Discovery ProtocoI (CDP). IP addressing. VLSM addressing. IP routing. Routing tabIe Iookup and processing aIgorithm. Routing aIgorithms RIPv1, RIPv2, EIGRP and OSPF. IPv6. IPv6 addressing. IPv6 tunneIs. Routing protocoIs RIPng, EIGRPv6 and OSPFv3.
Curricular Unit Teachers