Sales Promotion and Merchandising

Learning Results

At the end of this curricular unit, the students should be able to know the main concepts on sales promotions
and merchandising, understanding how important they are in the context of the trading actions strategies and
companies marketing, as well as in the context of a cooperation strategy between the manufacturer and the
distributor with the common aim of profitability linked to a customer’s complete satisfaction.


I – Main concepts: Marketing, Marketing Mix, Sales Promotion and Merchandising
II – Sales promotion fundamentals
1 – The sales promotion role in the communication policy, in the products life cycle
2 – Sales promotion and the consumer’s behaviour
3 – Sales promotion channels and techniques
3.1 – Producer’s promotions: characteristics, types of promotions and profitability.
3.2 – Distributor’s promotions: types of promotions and profitability. The specific case of promotion at the point
of sale and the collaboration producer/distributor.
3.3 – Consumer-oriented sales promotion: types of promotions.
4 – Sales promotion planning
III – How to do merchandising
1 – Purposes of Merchandising
2 – Types of Merchandising: Seduction and Organization/ Management
3 – The consumer’s behaviour
4 – Sections disposal
5 – Organization of the linear: importance and evaluation of profitability
6 – The provision and the products selection
7 – The selling space animation
8 – Loyalty through satisfaction




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Beirolas, Mari e Almeida, Rui, Merchandising: a nova técnica de marketing, (1992). Texto Editora. Lisboa, 1ª
edição. ISBN: 972-47-0399-1
Legrain, Marc e Magain, Daniel, Promoção de Vendas, (1992). Makron Books. ISBN: 0-07-460839-8
Tellis, G.J. e Redondo, I., Estrategias de Publicidad y Promoción, (2002). Addison Wesley. ISBN: 84-7829- 047-8
Mowen, John C.; Consumer Behavior (1985); 4ª Edição; Prentice-Hall International Edition. ISBN: 0023846119
Kotler, Philip and Armstrong, Gary (2005). Principles of marketing. 11th Edition: Hardcover. Prentice Hall. ISBN:
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