Scientific Research Methodologies

Base Knowledge

This course does not require previous knowledge acquired in other UCs in the study plan.

However, the mastery of some research tools may help to implement the proposed developments.

Teaching Methodologies

The teaching methodology will be expository in the presentation and justification of the main concepts and contents, alternating with a methodology centered on problem solving and moments of development of bibliographic research.

There will also be integrated several seminars and open classes that seek to bring up-to-date themes and encourage students’ creativity in the search for themes for their research work.

Learning Results

This curricular unit has as main objectives:

O1 – develop and train students with tools and knowledge that help them to carry out a dissertation of a scientific nature, a project work or an internship of a curricular nature, object of a final report.
O2 – analyze various methodologies for the elaboration of a scientific investigation work;
O3 – to appreciate and discuss scientific and technical articles related to the curricular units of the course.

This curricular unit will have the participation of the course teachers.
Each teacher will teach or monitor the development of a work supported by one or more scientific articles within the scope of the curricular unit for which they are responsible.

In terms of skills and competences to be acquired, the student should be able to:
C1 – Know techniques for developing a scientific research work;
C2 – Search for scientific and technical articles within the scope of the course;
C3 – Analyze and discuss scientific and technical articles within the scope of the course.


1. Methodologies for the development of a scientific research work.

1.1  Methodologies of bibliographic research.
1.2  Methodologies for the development of a thesis.
1.3  Dissemination methodologies of scientific work.

2. Data processing and analysis techniques.

3. Open seminars/classes to motivate the research work and the practical application of the thematic allowed by the master.

3.1 Research Idea – research interest of master teachers.
3.2. IT Research – roadmap to the success – Master alumni and their supervisors
3.3. Specialists of recognized merit in the scientific areas of the master, and other guests.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Bibliographic references are provided in each modular unit of the MIC Program. The following references are also added:

  • Principal Bibliography

[1] Amaro, A.C.S., Elementos de Apoio às MIC, Materiais de Apoio- Plataforma Académica Nónio, 2020.. Contempla todos os elementos, de produção própria, para suporte pedagógico à UC de MIC.

[2] Biju Dharmapalan (2012), SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH METHODOLOGY, Alpha Science International Ltd. Edition (UK), EAN 9781842657379.

[3] João Ruas (2017), Manual de Metodologia de Investigação, Monografias, Dissertações e Teses, 5.ª Edição, EAN 978-9896700881; ISBN 9789896700881, Escolar Editora.

  • Complementary Bibliography

[4] Lidia Raquel Louback Paranhos (2018), Metodologia da pesquisa aplicada à tecnologia, SESI SENAI Editora, São Paulo, Brasil

[5] Margarida Pocinho (2012), METODOLOGIA DE INVESTIGAÇÃO E COMUNICAÇÃO DO CONHECIMENTO, EAN 978-9727579167, ISBN 978-972-757-916-7, Lidel – Editora.

[6] Marie-Fabienne Fortin (2009), FUNDAMENTOS E ETAPAS NO PROCESSO DE INVESTIGAÇÃO Editor Lusodidacta, EAN 978-9898075185, ISBN 9789898075185.

[7] Newbold, P., Carlson, W. e Thorne, B., Statistics for Business and Economics, Prentice Hall, 5ª ed., Prentice Hall, 2003.

[8] Severino, A. J., Metodologia do trabalho científico, Cortez Editora, 23ª Edição, 2013. (, disponível em 15-05-2020)