
Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The development of the contents focuses on researching and writing development, in a seminar context conducive to focused literature review on the axes of intervention/investigation project to be developed by students.

The evaluation of the curricular unit consists of the presentation and delivery of a research project (100%)

Learning Results

1. Expand the scientific culture through research and reading of scientific texts and critical debates.

2. Dominate tools work on the writings, argumentative and scientific texts.

3. Developing capacity for self-reflection and critical thinking.

4. Broaden the epistemological and methodological horizons within a cycle of advanced studies.

5. Developing research skills, reasoning, and use of scientific and technical vocabulary specific.

6. Identify problems and mobilize scientifically based knowledge in the design of projects and activities in the areas of Social Gerontology.

7. Developing a work of literature review around the theoretical axes related to the project that aims to develop at CU Intervention/Investigation/Internship.


1 – The argumentative and scientific text:

1.1 – Characteristics and purposes;

1.2 – The construction of a text: pre-redaction; redaction; textual revision.

2- A literature review:

2.1 – Objectives of a literature review;

2.2 – Steps of a literature review.

3 – The search of a scientific problem and a theme to research

4 – Steps to build a research project

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing Evaluation
  • - Research Project - 100.0%
  • - Research Project - 100.0%




American Psychological Association (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association. APA

Albarello, L., Digneffe, F., Hiernaux, J-P., Maroy, C., Ruquoy, D. & Saint-Georges, P. (1997). Práticas e métodos de investigação em ciências sociais. Gradiva.

Bryman, A. (2012). Social research methods. Oxford University Press

Cardoso, T., Alarcão, I. & Celorico, J. (2010). Revisão da literatura e sistematização do conhecimento. Porto Editora.

Grácio, R. (2010) A Interação Argumentativa. Grácio Editor

Grinnel, R., & Unrau, Y. (2010). Social Work research and Evaluation: Foundations of evidence-based practice. Oxford University Press

Weil, J. (2017). Research design in aging and Social Gerontology. Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research. Routledge