Seminar I

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Expository sessions include the questioning and discussion of various topics presented by invited speakers. Students will have an active role in conducting the sessions and must actively participate in the discussion and critical debate of ideas, arising from the themes presented in each session, which will involve the previous study of the topics covered in the seminars.

The evaluation will be exclusively continuous and will lead to the completion of a reflective report on each seminar.
In this sense, students have to attend at least 80% of seminars. The reports, on paper, have to be presented to the teacher responsible for the seminar, and delivered up to two weeks following the completion of the respective seminar. Must submit all reports in electronic form, to file registration.

Learning Results

During the sessions, through the sharing and discussion of projects and experiences among students and specialists of recognized merit, it is intended the:

– Strengthening of the research capacity to reflect, in a logic and abstract manner, with the inclusion and integration of different areas of knowledge in their content analyses.

– Boost the capacity of critical analysis by integrating the language inherent to professional contexts and realities.

– To present, in writing, critical reflection based syntheses, from the addressed issues.


The topics addressed will deal with diverse themes of the Social Gerontology in order to provide other perspectives and to serve as a complement to the intended knowledge by students.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing Evaluation
  • - reports, on paper, for each seminar - 100.0%




Ao longo do desenvolvimento desta unidade curricular será indicada bibliografia específica em função das sessões e oradores bem como das necessidades de formação identificadas.