Sexuality, Health, Culture and the Media

Base Knowledge

Not applicable

Teaching Methodologies

In this course will be: i) exploration of problem situations in a perspective of Sexuality, Health, Gender and
Human Rights; ii) analysis, interpretation and discussion of cultural artefacts fostering reflection, sharing
and encouraging critical attitudes; iii) design of educational resources aimed at deconstructing sexuality
and gender messages for intervention on Sexuality Ed., in specific contexts.

Learning Results

To recognize the right to sexual and reproductive health and the right to sexuality education as part of
health education and respect for human rights.
. To recognize sexuality in the development of people throughout life .
. To respect different ways to express sexuality and sexual orientation.
. To assess attitudes and risks associated with certain sexual behaviors.
• To promote the reflection and debate on important issues of daily life that affect sexuality and gender.
• To deconstruct Sexuality messages and gender stereotypes conveyed by the media .
• To develop educational resources to be used in interventions in sexuality education .


•Sexuality, Health and Human Rights
•Expressions of Sexuality
•Sexuality, Society and Culture
•Sexuality, Gender and Media
•Sexuality and Education

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Continuing Evaluation
  • - Attendance and Participation - 20.0%
  • - Didactic Script - 40.0%
  • - Didactic Script Presentation and Discussion - 40.0%




Díez Gutiérrez (coord.) (2004). La diferencia sexual en el análisis de los videojuegos. Madrid: CIDE/
Instituto de la Mujer.
Díez Gutiérrez (coord.) (2004). Guía didáctica para el análisis de los videojuegos. madrid: CIDE/ Instituto de
la Mujer.
Maza, R. E. (coord.) (2004). La comunicación publicitaria: antecedentes y tendencias en la Sociedad de la
Información y el conocimiento. Sevilla. Comunicación Social.
Talburt, Susan e Steinberg, Shirley [org.] (2007). Pensar Queer: sexualidade, cultura e educação.
Mangualde: Edições Pedago.
Teixeira, F., Martins, I. P., Ribeiro, P. R. M., Chagas, I., Maia, A. C. B., Vilaça, T., Maia, A. F., Rossi, C. R. e
Melo, S. M. M. (Orgs.). (2010). Sexualidade e Educação Sexual: Políticas Educativas, Investigação e
Práticas. Braga: Edições CIEd – Universidade do Minho (ebook).
Teixeira, F. & Vieira, C. C. (ed)(2014). Sexualidade, Género e Educação. Número temático da Revista
EXEDRA, (232p). Coimbra: Escola Superior de Educação.