Silviculture and Forestry Operations

Base Knowledge

Não aplica

Teaching Methodologies

Learning modules: Module 1 – Characterization of the silvicultural productive interventions, and of the silvicultural systems applied in forest stands. Module 2 – Characterization of machinery, equipment, advantages and limitations in their use in forest operations.

To achieve the objectives of the course unit and the expected competences, the teaching-learning process is based on the organization of the contents to be taught, structured in theoretical-practical classes and field work.

Learning Results

The objectives of this course are reflected in the acquisition of four core competences, therefore the student:

1. knows how to characterize the natural forest systems, seminatural and artificial by its composition, structure and dynamics of evolution, recognizing its multi-functionality,
2. Relates aspects related to ecophysiology, site quality and forestry practiced, as a determinant factor of the sustainable management of forest systems;
3. Knows to identify the constraints of the physical environment inherent to: (a) Instruments of planning and management; (b) Public utility restrictions; (c) Characteristics of the site quality and its effect on the definition of objectives and the use of machinery and equipment in the forestry operations;
4. Knows the machines and equipment used in forestry operations.


The syllabuses for acquiring the skills described before are divided into two learning modules: Module 1 – Silviculture: characterization and productive silvicultural interventions in forest stands. Silvicultural systems applied to forest stands; Module 2 – Characterization of Machinery, equipment, advantages and limitations to its use in forestry operations.

The content to be taught is divided into two levels of capacities, the first of which refers to the Identification and characterization of the types of forest stands; and the second referring to the Interventions and prescriptions to be used in each of the different types of forest stands, According to the management objectives. In order to achieve the objectives of the curricular unit and to of the competences envisaged, the learning process is based on the organization of the contents to be taught in theoretical and practical classes with field work.

Curricular Unit Teachers




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Correia, A.V., Oliveira, C.Â. Principais espécies florestais com interesse para Portugal : zonas de influência mediterrânica. Lisboa : Direcção-Geral das Florestas, Estudos e Informação, n.º 318. 119 p., 2002.
Correia, A.V., Oliveira, C.Â. Principais espécies florestais com interesse para Portugal : zonas de influência atlântica. Lisboa : Direcção-Geral das Florestas, Estudos e Informação, n.º 322. 14 p., 2003.
Direcção-Geral das Florestas. Manual de boas práticas florestais. DGF, Lisboa. 2002.
Direcção-Geral das Florestas. Inventário Florestal Nacional, Portugal Continental, 3ª Revisão. Ministério da Agricultura. Editideias, Lisboa, 233 p. 2001.
Fernandez, M.; Millan, R.; Angulo, A.M.; Lombao, A. Preparación del terreno para la repoblación forestal. SILVANUS. 63 pp. 1997.
Louro, G., Marques, H., Salinas, F. Elementos de apoio à elaboração de projectos florestais 2.ª edição. Lisboa : Direcção-Geral das Florestas. Estudos e Informação, n.º 321. 125 p., 2002.
Matthews JD. Silvicultural systems. Oxford University Press. 284 p. 1991.
Monteiro A.A., Pereira S.J. e A.V. Correia. Silvicultura. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa. 592 p. 2012.
Oliveira C.A. Teoria da produção florestal. Centro de estudos Florestais. 519 p. 1984.