Small Animal Veterinary Nursing

Base Knowledge

Knowledge of the subjects taught in the UCs of Principles in Veterinary Nursing, Concepts of Semiology, and Concepts of Pharmacology would be desirable.

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical classes, with theoretical exposition of the subjects and use of audiovisual media.

Theoretical-practical classes with video visualization, demonstration of various nursing techniques, and practical case studies.

Use of simulated or real clinical cases of direct dialogue with animal tutors.

Execution by the student of techniques demonstrated by the teacher.

Two-week internship at Veterinary Medical Service Centers (CAMV).

Learning Results

1. Assist the veterinarian in the different medical acts.
2. Know and maintain the equipment and materials used in the pet clinic.
3. Maintain cleaning, hygiene, and stock conditions in the different sectors that constitute the veterinary care centers.
4. Know the methods involved in wound care, dressing, and bandages.
5. Dominate the techniques of environmental management, hygiene, and diet of the hospitalized patient.
6. Know how to dialogue with the public.


Role of the veterinary nurse in the various situations of clinical practice:
-Attendance to the public;
-Hygiene and maintenance of facilities and stocks in the different sections of the veterinary practice.
-Waste Management.
-Restraint methods used in different procedures.
Injuries and wounds:
-General condition assessment.
-Wound classification treatment.
-Dressing application.
-Types and materials used in dressings.
-Advantages and disadvantages of dressings.
Inpatient conditions. Inpatient monitoring. Importance of clinical records. Venepuncture. Bladder catheterization. Forced feeding. Enemas.
Nursing care plans.
Nursing of animals in special situations: neonates, elderly and in prolonged decubitus.
Bleeding: main causes and complications. Haemostasis.
Oxygen therapy and routes of administration.
Systemic blood pressure and methods of control.
Small animal clinical nutrition.
Prevention of the spread of infectious diseases.


Curricular Unit Teachers




Aspinall, V., Ackerman, N. 2016. Aspinall’s Complete Textbook of Veterinary Nursing. 3ª edição. Elsevier.

Cooper, B., Mullineaux, E., Turner, L. 2020. BSAVA Textbook of Veterinary Nursing. 6ª edição UK: British Small Animal Veterinary Association.

Hand, M.S., Thatcher, C.D., Remillard, R.L., Roudebush, P., Novotny, B.J. 2010. Small Animal Clinical Nutrition. 5ª edição. Mark Morris Institute.

Lane, D. R., Cooper, B. 2003. Veterinary Nursing. 3ª edição. UK: Butterworth-Heinemann.

Merrill, Linda. 2012. Small animal internal medicine for veterinary technicians and nurses. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Ed. Willey-Blackwell.

Moore, Margaret. 1999. BSAVA Manual of Veterinary Nursing. UK: British Small Animal Veterinary Association.

Mullineaux, E., Jones, M. 2007. BSAVA Manual of Practical Veterinary Nursing. UK: British Small Animal Veterinary Association.

Sirois, M. 2017. Principles and Practice of Veterinary Technology 4th Edition. St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier.