Solos e Rochas

Base Knowledge

As this is the first curricular unit of the course within the scope of Geotechnics, recommended basic knowledge is not required, in addition to the skills acquired in the disciplines of Natural Sciences and Geology of compulsory education.

Teaching Methodologies

In Theoretical-Practical classes, the expository and inquisitive method is used during the explanation of theoretical matters and the resolution of exercises in groups and individually. The deepening of some of the subjects taught takes place in a laboratory environment, with tests.

Learning Results

Learning outcomes:

  • Identify the most common types of soil and rock.
  • Determining basic physical indices in the laboratory and carrying out soil classification tests.
  • Distinguish between the main methods of reconnaissance and prospecting.
  • Differentiate the ecosystem services provided by soils and use them to improve the social, economic and environmental conditions of cities.
  • Differentiate soil remediation techniques.
  • Sustainably exploit the resources provided by/in soils and rocks.

Generic competences:

  • Acquire a capacity for apprehension, analysis and synthesis.
  • Implement knowledge in problem-solving.
  • Develop individual and group work.

Specific competences:

  • Mastery of theoretical and practical concepts of Applied Geology, Soil Mechanics and Rock Mechanics and their application in solving problems of geotechnical structures and works.


1. Rocks and rock masses
Earth’s internal structure. Classification of rocks. Rock and rock massif. Discontinuities. Main Portuguese lithological units. Physical and chemical weathering. Main geomechanical parameters of rocks. Geological and geomechanical classifications of rock masses. Soil formation. Distinction between soil and rock.

2. Soils
Physical indices and tests for their determination. Granulometric analysis test. Granular soils. Relative density. Classification regarding compacity. Clay soils. Plasticity and consistency limits. Classification for consistency. Soil classification in terms of size and geotechnical classifications.

3. Recognition and prospecting
Concept of Recognition and Zoning. Geological maps. Geotechnical prospecting plan. Geophysical prospecting. Mechanical prospecting. Excavations. Various types of geotechnical surveys. Number and depth of polls. Presentation of survey data. Sampling.

4. Soils and rocks as resources and source of resources
Quarries, sand. Sustainability, management and reuse of excavated materials. Ecosystem services provided by soils and rocks. Geothermal. Evolution, degradation and deterioration. Contamination and decontamination.

5. Earth construction and consctruction in/on soils and rocks
Use in construction, foundations, embankments, excavations, building materials, ornamental stones. Raw earth construction.


Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação por exame
  • - Exame - 70.0%
  • - Trabalho Prático e relatórios - 30.0%
Avaliação Contínua
  • - Testes (3) - 70.0%
  • - Trabalho Prático e relatórios - 30.0%




Correia, A. G. (1980). Ensaios para controlo de terraplanagens. Lisboa, Portugal: edições LNEC. (in Portuguese) (7-4-113 (ISEC) – 07514)
Costa, J. B. (2001). Estudo e classificação das rochas por exame macroscópico (10.ª ed). Lisboa, Portugal: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. (in Portuguese)
Das, B. M. (2006). Principles of geotechnical engineering (6th ed.). USA: Ed. Cengage Learning. (7-8-170 (ISEC) – 15064)
Fernandes, M. M. (2006). Mecânica dos Solos – vol.1: Conceitos e princípios fundamentais. Porto, Portugal: FEUP edições. (in Portuguese) (7-8-159 (ISEC) V.1º v. – 14004)
Fernandes, M. M.. (2011). Mecânica dos Solos – vol.2: Introdução à engenharia geotécnica. Porto, Portugal: FEUP edições. (in Portuguese) (7-8-159 (ISEC) V.1º v. – 14004)
Folque, J. (1996). Introdução à Mecânica dos Solos (2.ª ed.). Lisboa, Portugal: edições LNEC. (in Portuguese) (7-8-118 (ISEC) – 09058)
Vallejo, L. (2002). Ingeniería Geológica. Madrid, Espanha: Ed. Pearson (7-1-237 (ISEC) – 13402)