Spatial Planning Instruments

Base Knowledge

The attendance of the curricular unit does not require basic knowledge.

Teaching Methodologies

The teaching methodology to follow will be based on the analysis and critical reflection of territorial dynamics, as well as on the formulation of practical problems that will be applied to Portuguese municipalities. Serious games, such as iPlan developed by the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA), will also be a pedagogical tool to be used throughout the semester, as it contributes to the consolidation of the contents taught.

Learning Results

This curricular unit has two objectives. The first objective consists of acquiring knowledge of the various instruments of territorial management at national, regional and municipal scales and respective scopes of action. The second objective intends that, at the end of this curricular unit, students will be able to integrate teams responsible for the elaboration, evaluation and follow-up of territorial management instruments.


1. Types of plans, their urban concepts and their levels.

1.1 Territorial organization and the basic law of territorial planning

1.2 Territorial organization model: actors and competences

1.3 Legal figures of urban plans:

1.3.1. Territorial scale: from national programs to municipal land use plans;

1.3.2. Special land use programs;

1.3.3. Sectoral land use programs;

1.3.4. REN and RAN.

2. The strategic content of the planning process: definition of objectives and programs

3. Preparation process

3.1. Contents;

3.2. Deadlines;

3.3. Approval;

3.4. Ratification;

3.5. Formalization.

4. Public consultation processes on land use planning instruments

5. Review of territory management instruments

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Assessment by exam and work
  • - Presentation of practical work - 5.0%
  • - Theoretical test - 70.0%
  • - Practical work - 25.0%




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Oliveira, F. P. (2018). Planeamento urbanístico municipal, flexibilidade e oportunidades: uma perspectiva jurídica.  REVISTA ESMAT10(16), 97-122.

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