Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
Students will have access to materials prepared by the professor, bibliographical materials, authors’ texts for exploration in classroom or in autonomous work and complementary materials found in NONIO, according to linguistic difficulties and solicitations of the students. Teaching will be centred in the student and in the research. Several approaches will be privileged: explanation of the subjects; critical discussion of presented texts; analysis and correction of mistakes, doubts and ambiguities of Portuguese; use of technologies of information and communication and fulfilment of tasks in group for practical realization of oral and written activities.
The evaluation will be final and continuous.
The continuous evaluation consists in:
– activities developed during the classes (5%)
– writing and/or oral exercises (20%)
– writing test (75%)
Written exam – 100.0%
Learning Results
1 – To consolidate knowledge in theory and practice for the use of the Portuguese Language.
2 – To be able to distinguish characteristics and marks of oral communication and written communication.
3 – To use techniques and strategies of oral expression and written expression.
4 – To identify, to analyse and to correct mistakes and difficulties in the orality and in the writing contexts.
1. General considerations about the Portuguese language.
2. Oral and written: general components and distinctive aspects.
3. Physical expression of orality: the voice.
4. Context of situation and levels of language.
5. Text production.
5. 1. Text construction.
6. Analysis of linguistic frequent mistakes: in mass media, in books, in the orality and everyday writing.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Attendance and Participation - 5.0%
- - Frequency - 75.0%
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 20.0%
- - Exam - 100.0%
IBACH, Pierre, O prazer da escrita: pedagogia da narrativa, Rio Tinto: ASA, 1991. ESEC 373.3/.5:81’24/197
CAMPBELL, John, Técnicas de expressão oral, Lisboa: Presença, 1993. ESEC 316/68
CASSANY, Daniel, Reparar la escritura—didáctica de la corrección de lo escrito, Barcelona, Graó, 2007. ESEC 373.32:81/190
CLAVER, Ronald, Escrever sem doer –Oficina de redacção, Belo Horizonte, 2006.
ESTRELA, Edite, SOARES, Maria Almira, e LEITÃO, Maria José, Saber Escrever, Saber Falar, Lisboa: Dom Quixote, 2006.ESEC 811.134.3/85
HOUAISS, Dicionário Houaiss da Língua Portuguesa, Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores, 2003. ESEC 030:81-P/26 ESEC 030:81-P/26 A ESEC 030:81-P/26 B
PINTO, José M. de Castro, Novo prontuário ortográfico: com novo acordo ortográfico, Lisboa: Plátano, 2011. ESEC 030:81-P/34
VANOYE, Francis, Usos da linguagem: problemas e técnicas na produção oral e escrita, São Paulo: Martins Fonte, 1987. ESEC 316.77/160.
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