Sports and Gym Activities II

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

TP contents are presented in expository sessions. The PL is consolidated with the experience of the activity and situations of pedagogical practice.

Learning Results

1. Resistance and Functional Training.
1.1. Plan and conduct the activity, considering the practitioners characteristics.
1.2. Adopt intervention strategies suitable to the specificity of the context.
2. Strength and Cardiofitness Training.
2.1. Plan and conduct the activity, considering the practitioners characteristics.
2.2. Adopt intervention strategies suitable to the specificity of the context.


1. Resistance and Functional Training.
1.1. Origin and evolution, characteristics and objectives, benefits and used equipment.
1.2. Specific exercises, technical execution, critical components and common errors.
1.3. Model session: structure and methodology.
1.4. Specificity of pedagogical intervention (instruction, command orders, feedback, demonstration, communication, technical position).
2. Strength and Cardiofitness Training.
2.1. Origin and evolution, characteristics and objectives, benefits and used equipment.
2.2. Specific exercises, technical execution, critical components and common errors.
2.3. Model session: structure and methodology.
2.4. Specificity of the intervention (pedagogical feedback, communication and technical position).

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Theoretical evaluation - 30.0%
  • - Practical evaluation - 70.0%
Continuing Evaluation
  • - Attendance and Participation - 5.0%
  • - Practical evaluations - 50.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 30.0%
  • - Technical performance - 15.0%




1. ACSM (2011). ACSM’s complete guide to fitness & health. Human Kinetics.
2. ACSM (2022). ACSM’s foundations of strength training and conditioning. Human Kinetics.
3. Delavier, F. (2000). Guía de movimientos de musculación. Paidotribo.
4. Kennedy-Armbruster, C., & Yoke, M. (2009). Methods of group exercise instruction. Human Kinetics.
5. Monteiro, A., & Evangelista, A. (2015). Treinamento funcional: uma abordagem prática. Phorte Editora.
6. NSCA (2014). Developing the core. Human Kinetics.
7. NSCA (2016). Exercise technique manual for RT. Human Kinetics.
8. Rieger, T., Jones, B., & Jiménez, A. (2015). Europeactive’s essentials for personal trainers. Human Kinetics.
9. Rieger, T., Naclerio, F., Jiménez, A., & Moody, J. (2015). Europeactive’s foundations for exercise professionals. Human Kinetics.
10. Seibert, R. (2004). Group strength training. ACE.