Sports Recreation and Animation

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The UC dynamic will be eminently supported by PL classes. The TP framework will be achieved, using: PPT presentation (multimedia projector), oral exposition, individual questioning, present texts for study, and individual and team works concretization.

Learning Results

1. Contextualize and articulate the main concepts related with the sports leisure and recreation processes.
2. Identify the role and the characteristics of the sports and recreation animator.
3. Identify and understand the attraction factors and constrains factors in sports leisure recreation activities.
4. Know how to analyse sports leisure recreation proposals, programmes and actions, developed for different publics in different contexts (educative, recreational and sportive).
5. Know and apply the planning and management methodological instruments of sports leisure recreation projects and events, in different contexts (educative, recreational and sportive).
6. Identify, know, understand and apply different sports leisure recreation techniques.


1. The concept of animation and recreation in sports (SLR)
2. Role and characteristics of SLR animator
3. Identification and reflection about the SLR temporal periods
4. Spaces and material resources for SLR activities development. Alternatives to the convencial materials
5. Organisational, planning, operationalization and evaluation basic processes of physical and sportive activities, in the SLR point of view
6. The SLR activities as inputs for promoting values, attituides and colective and individual behaviours
7. Recreating and sportive activities (plays and activities: recreating, cooperation and opposition; adaptation and recreation of sports and gymnasium activities; adaptation and recreation of individual and collective sports; exercises situations in the aim of the physical preparation in a recreational point of view).

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Periodical Evaluation
  • - Frequency - 55.0%
  • - Attendance and Participation - 5.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 40.0%
  • - PL component - 70.0%
  • - TP component - 30.0%




Angel, M., & Cañellas, A. (1998). La animación deportiva. Barcelona: INDE.

Barcelona, R., Wells, M., & Arthur-Banning, S. (2016). Recreational Sport. Program design, and management. Champagne: Human Kinetics

Brotto, F. (2006). Jogos cooperativos: o jogo e o esporte como exercício de convivência. Santos: Projeto Cooperação.

Coutier, D. et al (1990). Tercera edad, actividades físicas y recreación. Madrid: GYMNOS.

Foguet, B. (1999). 1001 ejercicios y juegos de recreación. Barcelona: Paidotribo.

Lança, R. (2003). Animação desportiva e tempos livres: perspectivas de organização. Lisboa: Caminho.

Ortí, J. (2004). La animación deportiva, el juego y los deportes alternativos. Barcelona: INDE.

Ramos, A. et al. (2001). Animação desportiva para jovens. Coimbra: Almedina.

Stoppani, J. (2000). El servicio deportivo y recreativo municipal: modelos y programas para su desarrollo. Madrid: