Strength of Materials I

Base Knowledge

Students begin to learn the basic knowledge of tension, stress state. Normal stresses due to the effect of axial forces. Tangential stresses due to torsion. Normal stresses due to the effect of the bending moment. Notion of pure cut.

Teaching Methodologies

In the lectures is made a theoretical each subject that is complemented by the presentation of exercises. Theorial and practical classes are focuses mainly in solving exercises. There is a laboratory component in which practical problems are solved.

Learning Results

The aim of course is to provide students with simple and practical methods for the calculation of the typical elements common structures and are used for various processes approximate calculation. This course contributes to the following competencies: Understand the concepts and procedures involved in selecting and sizing machines bodies and structural elements and know design mechanical components and trussed structures.


1.Objectives. Prismatic part and efforts in the cross section. 2.Uniaxial traction. Normal stress. Distribution of stresses in the subject bar will traction. Saint – Venant principle. Hooke’s Law. Diagrams of normal stress. Bars with restricted movement of support. Calculation of reactions. Shear. Mohr’s Circle. Transverse strain. Poisson’s ratio. Relationship between the stresses and deformations. Variation of tensions with the direction. Shear stresses. Mohr’s Circle. Pure cut. Modulus of transverse elasticity . 3.Electrical resistance strain gages basics. Example of application. 4.Moment torsional twist. Torsional moment diagrams. Torsion bar of circular section. Torsion bars of rectangular section. Bars with restricted movement of support. Calculation of reactions. 5.Simple bending. Distributed loads. Shear. Bending moment. Differential relations between the intensity of load, shear and bending moment. Angle of deflection. Modulus of transverse elasticity.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Gere, J., & Timoshenko, S. (1997). Mechanics of Materials (4th ed.). Boston: PWS Publishing Company.

Farinha, J.S., & Reis, A.C. (1992). Tabelas Técnicas. Setúbal: Edição P.O.B.

Hibbeler, R.C. (2006). Resistência dos Materiais (5ª ed.). São Paulo: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Beer, F.P., Johnston, E.R., & DeWolf, J.T. (2006). Resistência dos Materiais (4ª ed.). Porto Alegre: McGraw Hill.

Antunes, F. (2012). Mecânica Aplicada –Uma Abordagem Prática. Lidel.

Hibbeler, R.C. (2005). Estática – Mecânica para Engenharia (10ª ed.). São Paulo: Pearson Prentice Hall.