Structured Programming

Base Knowledge

It is expected that students have achieved the Programming Introduction proposed goals.

Teaching Methodologies

In this curricular unit the following teaching methodologies are used:

  1. Verbal Methodologies (say), making use of pedagogical resources: Exposition, Explanation, Dialogue, and Interrogation;
  2. Intuitive Methodologies (show), making use of pedagogical resources: Demonstration, Audiovisuals, and Written Texts;
  3. Practical methodologies (to do), using computer tools.

Learning Results

  • Differentiate programming methodologies and the motivation behind them
  • Explain the behavior of a program
  • Create well-organized programs obeying conventions
  • Manipulate control structures correctly
  • Define the subprogram concept
  • Manipulate data structures adequately
  • Read and write in files


  1. Basic concepts
    • Computers, programs, data and instructions
    • Program Structure
    • Basic input and output operations
    • Program Compilation
  2.  C Language
    • Language syntax
    • Development environment
    • Constants and variables
    • Operators
    • Data types
    • Data input and output
    • Basic instructions
    • Control structures
    • Functions
      • Parameters
      • Procedures
    • Program organization using subprograms
    • Pointers
    • Strings
    • Arrays
    • Data structures
    • Files

Curricular Unit Teachers




Damas, L. (2019). Linguagem C. (24th ed.). FCA.

Rocha, A. (2006). Introdução à programação usando C. FCA

Rocha, A. (2014). Estruturas de dados e algoritmos em C. FCA.

Szuhay, J. (2020). Learn C Programming: A beginner’s guide to learning C programming the easy and disciplined way. Packt publishing.

Vasconcelos, J. & Carvalho, A. (2005). Algoritmia e estruturas de dados: Programação nas linguagens C e java. Edições Centro Atlântico.