Learning Results
The Supply Chain Management provides an integrated approach to logistics, covering the entire value chain of
organizations in aspects related to planning, transport, storage and handling of materials throughout the cycle
of acquisition, production and marketing of any good or service, which will acquire an integrated view of the
logistic function and its role in the supply chain, and create and develop skills on the logistics management.
The Supply Chain Management will provide comprehensive visibility in the supply chain and methods of
centralized management responsive to requests from the evolution of strategic thinking of organizations by
consolidating its expertise at logistics.
1. Introduction to Logistics Chain Management
2. Supply – Organization, Planning and Options
3. Purchasing Management and Supplier Selection
4. Warehouse and Inventory Management
5. Production and Operations Management
6. Transport and Distribution Management
7. Logistic Chain Integration – Supply Chain Management
Carvalho, J.C. et al. – Logística e Gestão da Cadeia de Abastecimento, Edições Sílabo, 2ª Ed., ISBN: 978-972-618-598-7, 2012.
Ballou, R.H., Logistics/ Supply Chain Management: Planning, Organizing, and Controlling the Supply Chain, Prentice Hall, 5th Ed., ISBN13: 978-013-066-184-5, 2004.
Bowersox, D. & M. Cooper – Supply Chain Logistics Management, McGraw-Hill, 4th Ed., ISBN13: 978-007-802-405-4, 2012.
Ballou, R. – Business Logistics Management, Prentice Hall, 2004.
• Bowersox, D. & M. Cooper – Supply Chain Logistics Management, McGraw-Hill, 2002.
• Carvalho, J. – Logística, Edições Sílabo, 1999.
• S. Chopra, S. & P. Meindel – Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning and Operation, Prentice Hall,
• Simchi-Levi, D. & outros – Designing and managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies and Case
Studies, McGraw-Hill, 2005.