Systematic Pathological Anatomy I

Base Knowledge

Anatomy, Fisiology, Celular Biology and Imunology

Teaching Methodologies

In the theoretical classes there will be a detailed presentation of the syllabus, using an expository, interrogative and active methodology, with direct participation of the students. Theoretical-practical classes will use a demonstrative methodology of the concepts learned, with resolution and discussion of problems.

Learning Results

The student must acquire scientific and practical knowledge comprising laboratory activities to develop in
Pathological Anatomy:-Framework of diseases in Pathological Anatomy and study methodologies;-Contact with the
Pathological Anatomy laboratories;-Recognize the diseases in products and surgical parts- Morphological
interpretation and collection of fragments for diagnosis; The student must acquire skills to use scientific and
technical language to interpret the morphology and diseases, in Pathological Anatomy. The student must acquire
competences in the identification of the products received in Pathological Anatomy laboratories, as well as identify
and apply in a specific way procedures appropriate to the diagnosis and preservation of samples.


Systemic structure of the human organism

– Balance systems

– Homeostatic systems

Differentiation, form, function and mutability

Adaptation and evolution

Health and Illness. Biopathology

– Disease: etiology and mechanisms of action

– Cellular adaptation – hyperplasia, hypertrophy, atrophy and aging

– Tissue response and inflammation

– Genetic and metabolic diseases

– Infections

– Immunopathology

– Tissue and tumor bank;


Curricular Unit Teachers




Primary References:

– Suvarna, K.S., S.K. Suvarna, C. Layton, and J.D. Bancroft. Bancroft’s Theory and Practice of Histological

Secondary References:

– Techniques,Expert Consult: Online and Print,7: Bancroft’s Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques: Churchill Livingstone, 2012.
– Stevens, A., J.S. Lowe, and I.S. Scott. Core Pathology: Mosby/Elsevier, 2009.