Technology and Galenic Pharmacy I

Base Knowledge

Basic notions of safety in a laboratory environment;

Basic rules and techniques of laboratory work;

Knowledge of material and equipment in common use in laboratories;

Knowledge of standards for weighing and measuring volumes and temperature of liquids;

Elementary knowledge of mechanical operations of separation and division of solids.

Teaching Methodologies

T and TP lectures using audiovisual and interactive means between students and teacher. Demonstrative and active practical classes with interpretation and execution of some techniques that lead to the preparation,packaging and labeling of medicines.Application of some control procedures for the prepared dosage forms


Learning Results

At the end, students must master the terminology, concepts and technical-scientific aspects inherent to medicines and pharmaceutical technology of dosage forms. It is intended to enable the student with fundamental knowledge about the pharmaceutical forms addressed in relation to the operations to which medicinal substances undergo, the physical, chemical and biological properties of the products used, the composition, application and preparation procedures and quality control . In the practical component, the student must be able to autonomously apply rational and scientific methods for the formulation and preparation of dosage forms, to interpret the formula, to know how to associate the substances, the incompatibilities that may arise and the fundamental aspects of labeling , conservation and storage of the prepared formulas.


Background, concepts and library in pharmaceutical technology and galenic pharmacy. Medicated papers and oral medications in pediatrics. Pharmaceutical forms obtained by mechanical division: powders and complementary forms (granulates, pellets, tablets, capsules, pills and pastilles). Pharmaceutical forms obtained by mechanical dispersion: emulsions, suspensions, colloidal solutions and complementary forms of suspensions (aerosols). Pharmaceutical operations, preparation technologies, laboratory and industrial equipment, biopharmaceutical aspects, stability and quality control. Excipients. Labelling, packaging and storage conditions. Coating technologies for complementary forms of powders: type of coatings, equipment, stability, biopharmaceutical aspects and quality control.

Curricular Unit Teachers





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Tecnologia Farmacêutica – L. N. Prista, A. C. Alves, R. M. R. Morgado, vol. I, II, III – Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

Formulário Galénico Português. ANF. 2005.

Manipulação Magistral de Medicamentos em Pediatria – Gilberto Barcelos Souza. Ed.: Pharmabooks. 2003

Remington – A Ciência e a Prática da Farmácia. Alfonso R. Gennaro. 20ª Edição.

Guia Prático da Farmácia Magistral: Farmacotécnia, Boas práticas de manipulação, Controle de Qualidade, Aspectos Biofarmacêuticos, Excipientes e veículos, Procedimentos operacionais padrão. Anderson de Oliveira Ferreira, 2ª Edição, Pharmabooks

Martindale – The Complete Drug Reference”. 37ª Edição. Pharmaceutical Press, 2011.



Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients. RC Rowe, PJ Sheskey and SC Owen (Eds.), Pharmaceutical Press, London, 2006.

Teoria e Prática na Indústria Farmacêutica. I e II Volume. Serviço de Educação e Bolsas. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Leon Lachman; Herbert A. Lieberman; Joseph L. Kanig