Base Knowledge
Basic concepts of Microeconomics and Macroeconomics are recommended.
Teaching Methodologies
The key concepts are presented first at a theoretical level and then complemented with practical cases.
Learning Results
Provide students with an overview of the main forces shaping the international economic relations, the main
players of these relationships and the consequences for national economies of participating in the whole
process of globalization of economic activity.
Sensitize students to the perception of the functioning of the current international economic relations to the main
objectives, interactions and consequences of the action of the various countries and economic agents in the
international economy.
Skills to acquire:
C1. Knowledge: knowing the main theories that explain international trade and the international movement of productive factors (Themes III and IV of the program).
C2. Understanding: understanding how all countries can benefit from international trade and what risks are involved (Themes I, II, III, IV and VI of the program).
C3. Application: apply trade theories to justify the volume and direction of international trade and international movement of productive factors between countries (Themes III, IV and VI of the program).
C4. Analysis: analyze the evolution of international trade and of the international monetary system, and understand the role of exchange rates and currency appreciation/devaluation in the competitiveness and economic stability of countries, and in their balance of payments (Themes I, II and V from the program).
C5. Summary: understand how international trade and the international movement of productive factors can contribute to the development of countries (Themes III, IV and VI of the program).
C6: Making judgments: being able to predict the consequences of contextual or economic policy changes on the pattern of international trade and on the international movements of productive factors between countries (Themes III and IV of the program).
Theme I: Legal framework of international trade
Theme II: The Contemporary International Economic Relations: evolution and current state
Theme III: International Trade: Fundamental Theories and Political Economy
Theme IV: International Movements of Factors of Production: The International Investment and Global Governance
Theme V: Monetary Relations and the International Financial System
Theme VI: Development and Underdevelopment
Curricular Unit Teachers
Appleyard, D. R. and Field Jr., A. J. (2014). International Economics, 8th edition. McGraw-Hill, New York.
Fontoura, M. P. and Magriço, V. (2022). Economia Internacional – Manual de Exercícios. Almedina, Coimbra.
Krugman, P. R., Obstfeld, M. and Melitz, M. J. (2015). International Economics, 10th edition. Pearson.
COHN, T. (2008). Global Political Economy – Theory and Practice. Pearson International Edition, 4th edition.
PUGEL, T. (2004). International Economics. McGraw-Hill, Boston.
SPERO, J e HART, J. (2009). The Politics of International Economic Relations. Ed. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
COSTA, Carla (2010). Temas de Relações Económicas Internacionais. ISCSP, Colecções Pedagógicas, Lisboa.
COSTA, Carla (2010), Crises Financeiras na Economia Mundial; Ed. Almedina, Coimbra.