Urban Management

Base Knowledge

Basics of administrative law.

Teaching Methodologies

The following teaching methodologies are used in this curricular unit: interpretation and analysis of the legal provisions and exposure of contents by the teacher and its discussion with the students; resolution of practical real case studies and court decisions by the students.

Learning Results

The student shall be able to:

a) be part of the licensing procedure for projects at both municipal and supra-municipal levels;

b) distinguish between public and private initiative licensing procedures;

c) know the contents of the administrative procedures foreseen in law or regulations;

d) manage procedural information in each of the licensing and/or development phases of the project;

e) know the skills of the actors involved in the process;

f) intervene both on the side of the promoting entity and the licensing entity in areas with specific requirements.


1. Models of urban management.

2. Urban management and systematic planning development.

3. Expropriations for public use.

4. The legal regime of construction and land development.

4.1. The licensing of urban lots in urbanistic management.

4.2. The licensing of private interventions in urbanistic management.

5. Conservation and urban renewal.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Periodic evaluation
  • - 3 written tests - 100.0%
Final evaluation
  • - Exam - 100.0%




Oliveira, F. P. (2021). Direito do Urbanismo. Do Planeamento à Gestão. AEDRL.

Oliveira, F. P. (2011). Novas tendências do direito do urbanismo. De um urbanismo de expansão e de segregação a um urbanismo de contenção, de reabilitação urbana e de coesão social. Almedina.

Carvalho, J. & Oliveira, F. P. (2003). Perequação, Taxas e Cedências. Administração Urbanística em Portugal. Almedina.

Lobo, M. L. C. (2006). Administração Urbanística. Evolução legal e sua prática. IST Press.