Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
Classes alternate between presentations (and discussion) of contents and the production of practical work on contemporary perspectives of the city. Evaluation is obtained by exam and by presenting the practical work. Presentations should be performed in front of classmates and external guests.
Learning Results
Upon completion of the curricular unit the student should be able to:
a. provide historical context to the development of cities on a spatial planning perspective.
b. identified dominant urban morphologies and their main characteristics.
c. understand relations betwen the cities and cultures and the organization of the socio-economic structures.
d. develop tools to analyse and evaluate urban morphologies.
1) History of cities to value culture and inform the future.
2) Concept of city and main historical periods.
3) The begining of History and the first cities.
4) Urban morphologies – generic concept.
5) Urban morphologies – organic morphologies.
6) Urban morphologies – classic morphologies.
7) Urban morphologies – garden-city morphologies.
8) Urban morphologies – modern morphologies.
9) Urban morphologies – splintering morphologies.
10) What is the future of the urban model? Pros and cons.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Alexander, C., Ishikawa, S., Silverstein, M., Jacobson, M., Fiksdahl-King, I., & Shlomo, A. (1977). A pattern language: towns, buildings, construction. Oxford University Press.
Allain, R. (2004). Morphologie urbaine. Géographie, aménegement et architecture de la ville. Armand Colin.
Arizaga Bolumburu, B. (1990). Urbanística medieval (Guipúscoa). Journal Kriselu, Donostia.
Benévolo, L. ( 1990). As Origens da Urbanística Moderna. Presença.
Benévolo, L. (1994). A Cidade na História da Europa. Presença.
Bourin, M. (1993). Villes, bonnes villes, cités et capitales. Ètudes d’histoire urbaine (XIIe XVIIIe siècle), Mélanges offerts à Bernard Chevalier. Paradigme.
Carita, H. & Araújo, R. (1998). Universo Urbanístico Português 1415-1822. Actas do Colóquio Internacional do Universo Urbanístico Português.
Caro Baroja, J. (1986). Paisajes y ciudades. CHUECA
CARVALHO, J. (2003). Formas Urbanas. MinervaCoimbra
Goitia, F. (1989). Breve história do urbanismo. Presença.
Cullen, G. (2008). Paisagem urbana. Ed. 70. DE SETA, C. &
Le Goff, J. (1991). La ciudad y las murallas. Cátedra.