Base Knowledge
(not applicable)
Teaching Methodologies
In Theoretical-Practical classes the lecture and inquisitive method is used throughout the presentation of different concepts and several exercises are solved;
The students carry out two practical works: one individually, on technical and scientific interpretation, and another in groups of two students, involving research and practical application of studied subjects.
In Tutorials classes a methodology of self-learning and communication skills is followed as well as assisting the students by answering theoretical questions, problem solving and guidance of practical work.
Learning Results
Objectives: Study of the fundamental aspects of urban road management and analysis of road intersections in urban environment;
Generic skills: Application of knowledge and understanding; Judgment accomplishment and decision making; Communication; Self learning;
Specific skills: Acquiring knowledge and understanding in the field of urban road management required to overcome performance and safety related problems in urban road networks. Being able to analyze the performance and geometric design of the most common at-grade road intersections in urban environment: stop controlled, roundabouts and isolated signalized intersections.
1. Management of urban road network: functions of urban streets; Implementation of a road hierarchy and intersections hierarchy; Applicability and influence of the spatial organization of cities; Implementation problems;
2. Intersections as critical points of a road network. Stop controlled intersections: geometric design, data and capacity evaluation; Roundabouts: applicability, geometric design and capacity evaluation; Signalized isolated intersections: solutions, operational meaning of times, saturation flow rate, capacity, phase choice, conflict treatments, pretimed and actuated solutions.
Curricular Unit Teachers