Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems

Teaching Methodologies

In order to achieve the objectives of the curricular unit and the conference of competences foreseen for students, the process of teaching learning is based on:
a) in the study of concrete cases, accompanied by a set of instructions that lead the student to analyze them, draw conclusions and make decisions or suggest actions;
b) in the execution of practical exercises of application of the theoretical concepts;
c) in the bibliographic research necessary to complement the information obtained in the classes.

Learning Results

Students should acquire the following skills, demonstrating: Know the principles of operation of each operation/unit process. Know the criteria of design, operation and operation associated with each stage of treatment. Know the main systems of tertiary treatments and the need for recovery of waste and wastewater. Apply the concepts prior to the efficient management of WTP and WWTP.


In this context the following contents will be addressed:
Softening – Definition of alkalinity and hardness of water and its origin. Types of hardness and units in which this can be expressed. Treatment processes. Precipitation softening process. Determination of the amount of chemicals to be used in the treatment: bar chart. Water stabilization. pH of equilibrium and indexes of classification of a water: Index of Langelier and Index of Ryznard. Operative considerations;
Sedimentation – Description of the movement of particles within a fluid under the action of gravity. Types of sedimentation: discrete, flocculent, impeded and thickening. Discrete Sedimentation: Stokes equation and notion of terminal velocity; sedimentation / sedimentation basin design; notion of surface hydraulic load; calculation of the efficiency of removal of suspended particles. Flocculant sedimentation: flocculent sedimentation test; calculation of the percentage of removal. Sedimentat

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação Contínua
  • - frequência 1 - 50.0%
  • - frequência 2 - 50.0%
Avaliação Por Exame
  • - exame escrito - 100.0%




3. Michael, J., Humenick. “Water and Wastewater Treatment – Calculations for Chemical andPhysical Processes”. Marcel Dekker Inc., 1977.

2. Sincero, a. P., Sincero, G.. “Physical-Chemical Treatment of Water and Wastewater. CRCPress, 2003.

1. Metcalf & Eddy. Wastewater engineering: treatment and reuse. 4th Ed. McGraw HillInternational Editions. New York. 2003.

4. Walter J. Weber, Jr.. “Physicochemical Processes for Water Quality Control”. JohnWiley &Sons, 1972