Water Supply and Drainage

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Teaching methodologies include the presentation of the theoretical aspects of the themes under study, with approaches to the specific level of each process, focusing on descriptive and quantitative aspects, and systemic approaches at the local or watershed level, to discuss aspects of interrelationship and dependence, to the problems of design, conservation and maintenance of hydraulic networks, use of energy or water abstraction and effluent rejection. Case studies will be focused on visits to the field to perceive practical aspects, within the possibilities in the proximity of the School. The assessment of knowledge is carried out an individual written tests.

Learning Results

The objective of this course unit is to promote the following competences in the student who successfully completes it:
1) Understands the principles of drainage and water supply system hydraulics.
2) Relates the hydrological processes at the level of the hydrographic basin with the problems of water abstraction and effluent rejection.
3) Characterizes and evaluates the design and design of water supply and wastewater drainage systems in urban and rural environments.
4) Understands key problems of water supply and drainage network management.
5) Knows the problem of the saving and efficient use of the water and the association to the unconventional sources for water supply.


1. Principles of hydraulics: hydrodynamics applied to flow under pressure and on free surface. Pumping stations.
2. Main hydrological processes related to water abstraction and effluent rejection.
3. Water supply. Methods of determining water demand in urban and rural environments. Components of water supply systems: description, operation, sizing, maintenance and maintenance.
4. Drainage. Methods of determination of effluents in urban and rural environment. Components of drainage systems: description, operation, dimensioning, conservation and maintenance.
5. Unconventional sources for water supply: Reuse of waste water, desalination; water harvesting

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação Por Exame
  • - Teste escrito teórico-prático - 100.0%
Avaliação Contínua
  • - Teste escrito teórico-prático - 100.0%




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