Analysis of Structures

Teaching Methodologies

In the lessons the expository method is used during the explanation of the theoretical subjects and exercises are solved individually. Students can realize a practical group working assignment of scientific and technical interpretation and research. In addition, students will be supervised, through the clarification of theoretical doubts, exercises resolution and guidance of the practical assignment. The student is assessed individually by the knowledge gained and the potential for interpretation of objectives with resolution of questions, as well as its organization of ideas and responsiveness. The test is composed of different questions about the syllabus with required at the minimum 30% to each of these questions.

Learning Results

Objectives: Capacity for analysis of structures and their behavior, exercises of determination of internal forces and displacements. Acquisition of knowledge about the behavior of statically indeterminate structures in the linear regime. Generic skills: Application of knowledge and understanding; Communication and methods of study and working; Self learning; Specific skills: Acquiring knowledge and capacity of understanding to understand the behavior of the structures of buildings, on what concerns of analysis and calculation methodologies and response to actions.


Chapter 1 – General concepts. Structural Analysis and structural problems. Relations between diagrams of tensions and deformations. Chapter 2 – Energy Theorems. Potential energy. Distortion energy due to a charge system. Theorem of virtual work. Maxwell theorem. Theorem of Betti. Displacements calculation. Mathematic methods to the displacement calculation. Chapter 3 – Displacement calculation in Isostatic structures. Relations between tensions and deformations. Superposition-of-effects principle. Cinematic and static methods. Chapter 4 – Influence lines. Determination of displacements in structures by influence lines. Chapter 5 – Force method. Calculation of efforts in hyperstatic structures. Calculation of displacements in hyperstatic structures. Chapter 6 – Displacement Method. Equations of the displacement method in the structure analysis. Determination of the final efforts. Determination of the stiffness matrix and fixation forces in structures.

Curricular Unit Teachers
