
Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Lecture classes are expository using a slide projection system for Power Point presentations. In practical (TP) classes, after a brief theoretical introduction, the different chapters exercise sheets are solved. All material is made available through the Moodle platform. Students are encouraged to participate with questions and comments during both lecture and practical classes. At the beginning of the semester, students choose one of the following methods of evaluation: i) evaluation by final examination or ii) continuous evaluation covering two tests during the semester quoted for 16 values and the resolution, in practical classes, of a series of small exercises quoted for 4 values

Learning Results

The main objective of this course is to provide the student with an overview of Chemistry in order to consolidate and deepen previously acquired knowledge. It is intended to also introduce the student in the fields of organic chemistry, with particular emphasis on structure, nomenclature and physical and chemical characteristics of the main families of organic compounds. Thus, the student should be able to i) understand the fundamentals of chemistry, chemical bonds and mass relationships in chemical reactions, physical state of the matter, thermochemistry and chemical equilibrium; ii) identify precipitation, acid-base and redox reactions; iii) identifying the functional groups of organic compounds and their properties; iv) determining the structure of an organic compound from its name and vice versa, and v) identify and classify different organic compounds isomers


1. Basic concepts

Composition and atomic structure. Classification and periodic properties. Chemical bond. Reactions and chemical equations. Stoichiometry.

2. Physical state of the matter: gases, liquids and solids

Characteristics and properties of gases, liquids and solids.

3. Chemical and physical changes of the reactions: energy, kinetic and equilibrium

Thermochemistry. Kinetics of chemical reactions. Chemical equilibrium. Energy of reactions.

4. Reactions and solutions

Types of reactions: precipitation, acid-base and redox reactions. Reactions with oxygen. Properties of aqueous and colloidal solutions. Solubility of gases.

5. Origins and importance of Organic Chemistry

Electronic and molecular structure of organic compounds. Electronic relocation. Hybrid resonance. Physical and chemical properties.

6. Functional groups and nomenclature


7. Stereochemistry

Constitutional isomers and stereoisomers

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exercises resolution - 20.0%
  • - Mini-tests - 80.0%
Final exam
  • - Final exam - 100.0%




1. Chang, R., “Química”, 8ª edição, McGraw-Hill Interamericana, 2005.

2. Atkins, P., Overton, T., Rourke, J., Weller, M., Armstrong, F., “Inorganic Chemistry”, 4th ed., Oxford, 2006.

3. Almeida, B., “Fundamentos de Química Orgânica e Inorgânica”, 1ª edição, Edições Sílabo, Lisboa, 2004.

4. Atkins, P.W., “Physical Chemistry”, 6th edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1998.

5. Reger, D., Goode, S., Mercer, E.,”Química: Princípios e Aplicações”, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, 1997.

6. Santos, P.P., Química Orgânica, volume 1, 1ª edição, IST Press, Lisboa, 2011.

7. Santos, P.P., Química Orgânica – Volume 2, 1ª edição, IST Press, Lisboa, 2013.

8. Morrison, R. e Boys, R., Química Orgânica, 14ª edição, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, 2005.

9. Carey, F.A., Organic Chemistry, 7th edition, McGraw Hill, New York, 2008.

10. Campos, L.S. e Mourato, M., Nomenclatura dos Compostos Orgânicos, 2ª edição, Escolar Editora, Lisboa, 2002