Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
This CU is based on an active pedagogical model, focused on the student, and encouraging a critical thinking and joint construction of knowledge. If possible, a study visit will be planned.
Students need to choose one of the two assessment modalities:
a) Continuous assessment
b) Exam.
Continuous evaluation:
Module 1 – Individual written test (75% of the CU grade).
Module 2 – Individual written test (25% of the CU grade).
The final classification will be translated into the whole numerical scale from zero to twenty values.
Assessment classification equal to or greater than ten values, provide the right to dismiss the exam.
Exam evaluation:
Individual written test (100% CU grade).
– The student who obtains a classification between 7.5 points and 9.4 points (inclusive) in the written test has the right to be admitted to the oral test assessment.
– It is considered approved in the exam, the student who obtains a classification equal or superior to ten values.
Learning Results
This Curricular Unit (CU) aims to provide a comprehensive view of the main aspects related to the areas of knowledge of Gastronomy, Gastronomy Tourism and Wine:
– Understand the food and wine phenomenon in all its complexity and evolution throughout human history
– Conceptualize and illustrate the importance of gastronomy and the relationship between gastronomy-tourism-wines
– Recognize the importance of wine in gastronomy, tourism, economy and culture
– Acquire and apply fundamental knowledge about wine tasting
– Understand and harmoniously establish a connection between wine and gastronomy.
Module 1
– Characterization of different grape varieties, wine regions and types of wine
– Characterization of different designations used in wine certification
– Theoretical and practical knowledge about sensory wine tasting
– General principles of harmonization between wines and gastronomy
Module 2
– Multifactorial and multidimensional etiology of human nutrition and its relationship with wine
– Gastronomy associated with wine regions
– Gastronomy festivals and wine events
– Harmonization between wines and gastronomy: practical cases
– Construction of wine lists and wine cellar management
– Identification of wine routes and their importance in local development
– Enotourism and enogastronomic tourism
– Relationship between wine and health: scientific evidence.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Module 1 -Written individual test - 75.0%
- - Module 2 - Written individual test - 25.0%
- - Exam - 100.0%
Almeida M.J., 2018. Guia de Enoturismo em Portugal. 3ª Ed Zest Books
Flandrin JL., Montanari M., 2008. História da alimentação. Vol. 1. Dos primórdios à Idade Média. Ed. Terramar.
Fletcher J., 2006. Cheese & Wine. A guide to selecting, pairing and enjoying. California: Chronicle Books.
Grainger K, 2009. Wine Quality: Tasting and Selection. Blackwell Publishing
Jackson R.S. 2017. Wine Tasting: A Professional Handbook. Third Edition. Academic Press Inc.
Laloganes JP 2010. The essentials of wine with food-pairing techniques. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.
Loureiro V, Ferreira MM 2019. O vinho sentido. Sem descrever aromas ou atribuir pontuações. Lisboa: Plátano Editora.
MPV 2017. Territórios Vinhateiros de Portugal. Cartaxo: Associação de Municípios Portugueses do Vinho.
Montanari M, 2006. Food is Culture. Columbia University Press.
Schuster M., 2001. O Essencial sobre a Prova. O curso prático completo de provas de vinhos. Edições Cotovia Lda.