Course Objectives
To conceive and implement the operational planning and to execute concrete actions in the domain of Forest Defense, related with the prevention, the fight and the mitigation of damages caused by biotic and abiotic agents in forests and related ecosystems.
Access Conditions
– Holders of a secondary education course or legal equivalent;
– Applicants aged over 23 who have passed the special exams for assessing their capacity to attend higher education required for a particular course;
– Holders of diploma de especialização tecnológica, técnico superior profissional diploma or of a degree wishing to undergo reskilling.
Professional Outlets
-Conceive, manage and execute forestry operations necessary to control biotic and abiotic agents.
-Coordinate and execute technical fire actions, under Order (Despacho) n.º 7511/2014.
-Conceive, manage and carry out infrastructure maintenance operations – Forest Fire Fighting Structures (DFCI)
-Manage the different communication tools normally associated with the detection and warning of new outbreaks of fire.
-Manage the sources of cartographic/geographic information integrating the data from the surveys for the production of the respective cartography.
-Coordinate fire fighting operations in their different phases including first intervention, extended fighting and aftermath.
-Manage post-fire recovery, including forest stand regeneration.
-Coordinate the identification of the main causal agents responsible for the phytosanitary problems of forest species in Portugal.
-Conceive, manage and implement actions aimed at preventing and combating forest pests and diseases.
-Conceive, manage and implement actions for the application of phytopharmaceuticals, under Law (Lei) n.o 26/2013.
Learning Language
Learning and evaluation languages: Portuguese
Learning Objectives
-Identify the risk factors for the most common plant and animal species in a forest ecosystem.
-Apply information and communication technologies in a manner appropriate to the target audience.
-Integrate the different sources of cartographic/geographic information in order to support decisions/options by a reasoned process.
-Coordinate and carry out basic forest operations, in their different aspects, including the regeneration, driving, maintenance and exploitation of a forest.
-Identify the main causal agents responsible for the phytosanitary problems affecting forests in Portugal.
-To apply techniques to prevent and combat the main forest pests and diseases.
-To analyze a fire, using the historical record and computer tools.
-Select appropriate techniques to prevent and fight a forest fire, according to its typology.
-Apply plant protection products in accordance with the provisions of Law (Lei) n.º 26/2013.
-Implement burning operations in accordance with the provisions of Order (Despacho) N.º 7511/2014.
Access to Superior Studies
Licenciatura (Bachelor programmes)
Course Coordinators
Tronco comum
Curricular Unit | Code | ECTS | Period |
Botany and Dendrology | 10005239 | 6 | Annual S |
Communication Skills | 10005841 | 3 | Annual S |
Ecology | 10005193 | 6 | Annual S |
Forest Health | 10005250 | 6 | Annual S |
Forest Soils | 10005272 | 3 | Annual S |
Game and wild vertebrates | 10005261 | 3 | Annual S |
Geographic information systems | 10005206 | 6 | Annual S |
Geography and Surveys | 10005171 | 6 | Annual S |
Inventory of Natural Resources | 10005245 | 6 | Annual S |
Pesticides and related products | 10005228 | 6 | Annual S |
Silviculture and Forestry Operations | 10005182 | 6 | Annual S |
Wildfire management machinery and infrastructures | 10005217 | 3 | Annual S |
Curricular Unit | Code | ECTS | Period |
Fire Analysis and Backing Fire | 10005305 | 6 | Annual S |
Prescribed Fire | 10005294 | 6 | Annual S |
Preventive Silviculture | 10005316 | 6 | Annual S |
Tool use, management and safety | 10005283 | 6 | Annual S |
Traineeship | 10005349 | 30 | Annual S |
Wildfire fighting | 10005327 | 3 | Annual S |
Wildland fire propagation | 10005338 | 3 | Annual S |